21 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
21 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,3 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
18 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil einrichten21 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,3 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
18 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
within 24 h I always got a answer
I would never work there as a client again. One of their directors and key account managers has been extremely condescending in most of the interactions I had with them. In my opinion completely dishonest and arrogant. I do not recommend working for them as contractors. Can't speak about how it is internally, but for everyone looking for a firm that does body leasing, you're better off choosing another one.
Die familiäre und offene Atmosphäre
Ich würde hier nicht arbeiten wenn etwas besonders schlecht wäre, daher keine solche Punkte zu erwähnen.
Der Telefonsystem könnte besser werden :-)
Sehr positive und seriöse Kultur wo es auch noch Zeit für Spass hat
Die Firma geniesst einen sehr positiven Ruf auf dem Markt und unsere Name öffnet Türen für neue Kunden!
Allgemein sehr gut
Die Bezahlung ist gut sowie die Inzentivierungen für Mitarbeitende. Auch dass die Pensionskasse zu 100% vom Arbeitgeber bezahlt wird ist schön.
Teamzusammenhalt ist hier sehr wichtig und alle verstehen sich gut
Ich könnte mir keine bessere Vorgesetzte wünschen, sie ist offen, ehrlich, freundlich und eine Expertin in ihrem Bereich.
Super zentrales Büro und seit Covid dürfen wir Home Office machen was sehr praktisch ist.
Offene und klare Kommunikation von dem Management, was sehr geschätzt wird
Frauen sind hier in der Mehrheit, sie diskriminieren hier absolut nicht
Immer wieder was neues zu tun
Professionell Arbeiten: wenn man Stellen ausschreibt und jemand sich bewirbt (mit nachgewiesen hoher Qualifikation), wäre ein Antwortmail das Mindeste. Ich habe gar nichts bekommen (mit 15 Führungserfahrung, PhD, ...). Das ist nicht professionell.
Keine Informationen nach mehreren Bewerbungen
I felt transparency and appreciation all the time for my delivered work. - I value that very much.
flexible working hours would be nice.
Always a warm atmosphere in the office and people were always happy to support. Everyone is kind and respectful towards everyone.
Teams are working hand in hand with passion. Easy to make new friends there. :)
sehr kollegiales und stabiles Team, transparente und ehrliche Geschäftsethik, schönes Büro im Zentrum von Zürich, Weiterentwicklungsmöglichkeiten, höchstprofessionel, sehr langfristige Kunden- und Kandidatenbeziehungen, super Netwerk
5 stars across the board. These are the guys you want on your team. I've worked with them for several years, they've consistently placed me in excellent and very lucrative roles. Everyone, from accounting to the account managers are a pleasure to deal with, they always have time for you, they're transparent, albeit tough negotiators, very professional, very well connected, very consistent and wonderfully, at the same time very human. No hesitation recommending them. Five stars across the board from me.
Sehr gute und auch langjährige Beziehungen mit Kunden, Kandidaten und Kandidatinnen
Sehr freundlicher und professioneller Umgang zwischen Kollegen. Hilfe wird von allen immer Angeboten!
Ausgezeichneter Kommunikationsstil zwischen Mitarbeiter und Management
Spannende Herausforderungen und neue Aufgaben werden fast täglich zugeteilt
You felt like part of the company, part of the family and for those who worked hard, you were treated so well. A company with real human values and respect.
The flexibility like home office etc wasn't really an option at the time. I think that in today's market, these things need to change, perhaps it already has.
They should be more active on social media and leverage their reputation and positioning more.
A positive atmosphere with recognition and praise. Swisslinx is fair and respectful.
The image was always one of the best. Whether it was clients or candidates or internal staff, the image and perception were that Swisslinx was one of the best and you felt that working there.
Top! Very fair, not very flexible, but it didn't need to be as the expectations were not that you worked long hours.
In recruitment, it's clear how you can develop. Personally, I received 3 promotions in 3 years. After reaching management, this is where further development can be more restricted compared to larget companies.
The salary was fair based on the market and for successful people, together with the bonus, it was extremely attractive.
It's a fair company. As a consultant, we could also share some of our margin for good causes like child charities etc.
Very rare in recruitment, there is a competitive nature to the company and environment but also helping each other as well.
The company average age has increased over the years, but generally, recruitment companies have younger staff.
Goals and expectations were high, but we achieved them regularly. The top performers had some of the highest new business targets and most people reached and exceeded them.
We always looked towards having good tech and I loved having two screens to work with, wireless headsets to walk around and a top mobile phone.
There were regular meetings, weekly, monthly quarterly and yearly. Communication came from the management directly to the teams and employees. The owners had a real "open door policy".
There are more women in the company than men. 3 of the 4 partners are women as well. Swisslinx is really an equal opportunity employer.
The role over the years didn't change too much, but that's recruitment. You always need to be involved in the process with clients and candidates. That's the interesting part of the job.
Fun group of people, international environment, colleagues from various work and educational backgrounds.
Decent work life balance for a sales environment, this is quite individual
Lucky to have made some great friends at Swisslinx.
Fair and open
Open relationship with Partenrs and Managers.
So verdient kununu Geld.