Toxic Work Environment
Typical second tier phenomena are reflected throughout every aspect of working here, including atmosphere and professionalism. You have a handful of guys who have been here long enough to create a cliquish in-group, making new arrivals generally feel unwelcome. Management is too weak to bridge these gaps - setting the tone for a poor experience from the get-go.
The (remaining) founder is still the bright light and his communications underpin the whole operation. Unfortunately his light gets clouded by too many imposters he surrounds himself with - thus also diluting the communication flow.
The nature of the performance incentives are geared towards egoism, thus fully undermining the team spirit. Typical "you eat what you kill" attitude - and "if that includes your colleagues, that´s okay too".
Weaker than weak.
Interessante Aufgaben
Yes... "who has the brownest nose" is about as interesting as it gets.
The Deutsche Börse acquisition was a missed chance to rise to the next level...