2 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
2 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,5 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
Einer dieser Mitarbeiter hat den Arbeitgeber in seiner Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil vervollständigen2 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,5 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
Einer dieser Mitarbeiter hat den Arbeitgeber in seiner Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Very transparent and fair : if you achieved the success it’s also help you to move your career further
We are a new company still need to develop the culture and our traditions internally
A new startup but we win more image and a part on the market
Great opportunities
A terrible work atmosphere, the college’s aren’t allowed to talk to each other or become friends. There is too much gossiping and not an efficient work flow
The markets gossip and partners conversations are really bad. The reputation is low but it’s a new company. Older agencies know the personalities of the owners and don’t want to cooperate mostly. They try to scam the clients or try to steal them, talents are mostly payed extra late
No weekends no free time, the expectations to work 24/7 for a low salary
Possible if you can keep up with the bs
The work intensity is not worth the salary. You can grow in your role but it’s not respected at all
The college’s try to support each other behind the leaders, keep their friendship secret so it doesn’t seem like „they aren’t working“ or „doing something behind their backs“ the constant paranoia is terrible to work with
The older the college’s the worst they treat them. I feel sorry for everyone who has to deal with the leaders, by that I mean the owners of the company
They don’t have a clue about the business and can’t teach you anything, thus there’s always an opinion about you and your personality. Either you stroke their ego or you are the worst enemy. Also constant mobbing is a sports
Your tools are monitored and constantly watched.
The tools are given but the leaders don’t want transparency; so there’s always a hunt for information. It gets mostly personal and also racist comments were made. Even though it’s an international team, the disrespect against employees, clients and in general efforts are immerse
Not really considered
The tasks are really interesting and projects could be interesting, if they get approved