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This employer unfortunately has not turned out as promised or wished

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei adlicious GmbH in Hamburg gearbeitet.


Most of the time I felt pressured to sell more and more campaigns. Even when I tried doing my best, it felt to me, that only mistakes where highlighted


I did not feel transparency when it comes to communication. I got a lot of the info about the company or my position or even my tasks via other people's conversations. I experienced some situations of negative talking about employees that have not been present in the room from both employees and management.


I feel like most of the colleagues collaborate and help each other out. But there have also been times when I felt left alone and as if people intentionally gave me certain info.


Remote and home office makes a work-life-balance quite possible. At times I felt that weekend work and overtime was expected. This has not been clearly stated but I felt pressured to do so. Also after working on a Saturday this was accepted and "appreciated" (quotation marks, because I mentioned it in a all-hands meeting and I felt that this appreciation was not hones) without any other comment.


In my opinion there is a lot to improve. I would have wished to work for a manager that has my back in stressful situations (which I feel my manager did not). Struggling with a tight deadline and strickt client, I did not get the support that I asked for and felt blamed for it in the end. I really often felt left alone and not cared about.

Interessante Aufgaben

I do like my tasks. I create full-year media plans for clients, advise them in their marketing presence and even planned some "offline" campaigns like TV.


I felt a lot of pressure and micromanagement in certain situations
The office setup is quite nice


As a positive comment I will interpret the word "social" as events and gatherings. We have drinks with colleagues quite often, which is nice. I like to attend the social activities.


I was not happy with my salary and really had to bring the topic of an increase up over and over again but it felt like the increases I got were only minimal


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