Great place to work and grow - without a doubt a career milestone for my professional life
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
I like how they are friendly, have an open-door policy and the team spirit is alive throughout. Even across department to department, there is so much unity
The work atmosphere is great and conducive to productivity. Also very easy to get assistance
All information is always readily available and the employers are always transparent and informative on how business is going and where we stand through regular check-ins.
All my colleagues are always willing and available to assist where they can. The support and help don't feel like it's because they have to, but feel as though it is because they genuinely want to
Work-life balance is on point as there is no pressure to put in unnecessary overtime or unhealthy competition
Supervisors are really supportive of fellow employees and make efforts to involve us in decision-making and goal-setting. They are always happy to hear our suggestions and feedback on things
I have not felt nor witnessed any bit of discrimination or unfair treatment since my employment. All are treated equally and fairly
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
There are mostly young people working for the company, however, I have seen long-standing employees being acknowledged and praised for their dedication and service within the company
Working conditions are great and they always try to make an effort to ensure we are as comfortable as possible and have all the necessary tools and resources to perform at our best.
Salaries are well paid on time and on time, but there just aren't any other additional benefits at the moment
Opportunities for career growth are there and felt, and there's accessibility to online courses that contribute towards our professional development