Meaningful work with an international, engaged and fun team.
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Interesting and meaningful work with a lot of committed colleagues.
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Sometimes the focus goes too much into details and structures rather than the content - the sucess of any organisation depends mainly on the people.
I work in programs and it is a very nice and respectful environment to work in.
At the team level very good with regular meaningful exchanges. The organisation is going through many changes which comes with specific difficulties. The direction is clear, but the internal communication and prioritisation could be improved.
A nice team of professionals - we can work together long night shifts when needed and fight over details but still laugh the next day together.
The work load is very high but there are flexible working hours and understanding to personal situations.
Transparent, approachable and engaged.
Interessante Aufgaben
As it is a small organisation there is a lot of space for own initiative.