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Jetzt Profil einrichtenAuthentische Bewertungen für eine bessere Arbeitswelt
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Apply if you are a mind reader
This is the kind of company where the recruiter will enquire about your personal life from the first phone interview. Be prepared for questions around your current salary, family status and so on. On the second interview the recruiting manager proved to have very little knowledge for the role she was hiring and expected textbook answers, not actual solutions. It blew my mind that mid-interview she began talking about how political the organization is and that things move slowly because of that.
What's your current salary?