Personal growth, professional growth, financial growth!
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
When I joined this company I was young but highly motivated to grow (personal, professional and financial). Years later I am the Director of two cities.
Was it hard work? Yes! Was my success guaranteed? No! Does everyone get the same chances? Yes! Did I know what I signed up for? Yes!
Sales is a though and challenging business and something you need to choose for. Recruitment is not any different. We give people, who are convinced they are highly motivated, the opportunity to start working for a meritocracy and to get trained into an individual Recruitment Consultant. I joined the company 7 years ago and I can not describe what the company has meant for me. I am proud of what we achieved in Germany so far and I am very sure that we will achieve much more in the (near) future.
Are you willing to give it your all in order to gain personal, professional and financial growth? You want to join a company which stands for; Success, Ambition, Fun (in that order)? You want to be rewarded for the results you are convinced you'll bring? Come join us! We are always looking for likeminded future colleagues!
This is completely up to yourself!