After one whole year, i realized i was wrong from the first moment
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
There’s nothing good abt them :))
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Die Ausbilder
Always behaves unfriendly and tries to blame the employees :)))
There’s no ‘Spaßfaktor‘
They will force you to do the most bullsh*t and time-wasting things
Only for the co workers who have/had to suffer from that place
There’s no chance to be something like ‚Manager‘
The worst :))) you will feel scared of getting to work every day , you never know for what reasons will you be yelled at, and you will avoid looking into the chef/chefin‘s eyes
You work hard for the whole year and there’s no extra money or Christmas money :) they would rather take money from you than give you money for what you have tried for
They randomly pay me less and avoid paying me the right amount of money that i deserve as a 2nd year intern