Not that good as expected
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Office location
in my team it was pretty bad, a lot of changes happened that were not in favour of employees and a lot of people left
weekly meetings help to be updated, but of course they only share the info they want you to know
I had some nice colleagues, but most of my team were really toxic people
no home office, strickt working hours
I can tell you one thing - do not trust anyone, especially your direct manager, do not trust "anonymous surveys", do not overshare with colleagues, every word can be used against you
Interessante Aufgaben
Monotonous tasks , every day is more or less the same unless you make up your own tasks for yourself
not really good, big open office with lots of people, sometimes talking at the same time, that made it barely possible to concentrate
I had the bare minimum allowed in Germany (Mindestlohn)
no chance for a career unless you are in a very good relationships with your manager