65 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
65 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,3 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
56 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil vervollständigen65 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,3 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
56 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
The generally lovely people at bookingkit
* Overly confident, but lacking managerial, strategic and people skills of certain top-level management (which is currently hindering or blocking organisational progress and negatively impacting company culture from top-down)
* "Polite disrespect" as a hidden company value
* Strategic and operational underdevelopment
* Adhere to modern best practices and regulations
* Create an environment where top-level management is made accountable and performance-based decisions are and decision are transparent in terms of their rationale
* Organisational structure that is less based on personal bias and a lop-sided balance of power towards some top-level management members
* Generally a team of nice and welcoming people
* Unfortunately, less developed processes of raising valid concerns or conflict resolution
* Regular company events
* Regular concerns among staff about unrealistic vision and strategy - teams not being heard that have to handle market and customer expectations and frustrations due to this gap of expectations
* Also, regular issues over understaffed teams and low salaries - those are being silenced by cherrypicking statistics
* Concerns about the product lacking necessary features and being outdated - being wiped away by management
* Top-level management deems itself rational agents while fostering exceptionalism and in-grouping
* Implicit imbalance due to managerial expectations being unrealistic and changing due to managerial culture of moving goalposts - leaving the impression that work is never done, no matter how hard you work
* No realistic estimations of workload, "strategic" overload and a lack of organisational prioritisation impacting the work-life-balance negatively
* For the operational teams a common mindset of remote-flexibility for all team members disregards how much those operational teams are forced into less flexibility to provide it for others. Especially top management shows a disregard for imbalances impacting work-life-balance
* Concerns being raised of "nepotistic" and intransparent decision-making for career development
* No consistent training on the job or systematic development budgets in existence
* A career path model has been introduced, but is disregard for personal favours by top-management
* Generally one of the most common issues raised among team members: concerns about salaries being below market-levels (though initiatives for improvements have been made, but drag out)
* Benefits appear mostly underfunded and the demand for modern benefits. No developmental budget in general per team member
* Number of vacation days is sub-par
* Also commonly raised issues are that certain groups may have additional benefits due to personal connections or political power within the company
* Not a major topic at bookingkit
* Very strong in general
* But this is due to that fact that many team members bond over the frustration of operational everyday business and the lack of change
Not an issue at bookingkit
* Personally not the best role model here myself, but also a company-wide underdeveloped leadership or management training - or even trust in Leaderships' expertise. Mostly middle-management is tasked to manage away frustrations and to keep their own frustrations down
* Unsubstantiated micromanagement by top-level managers -
* Top-level management trust more in external networks and consultancy than in internal knowledge and developing skills internally
* Though constant reminders of not wishing to have politics, this is used to keep in-groups in strong positions not to change and divert frustrations
* General superficially nice, but ultimately condescending practices by some top-level management
* There are teams that developed terms of "company in a company" to describe the imbalance of power that has apparently become a company tradition
* Provides the basic required materials and devices to work
* Still a newly renovated, modern office space that is barely used though by most of the team members, though
* In general, decisions are being made primarily top-down. Common complaints include that those strategic decisions are detached from business requirements, markets, and professional needs that teams experience in their daily business
* Top-level management shows organisational distrust in other leadership and staff in general and talks down to/micromanages them. Leadership is treated as a mostly operational organ to manage team frustrations. Bottom-up processes are slowed or halted most of the times
Improved over time, but only a superficially important in the grand scheme of things
While topics and tasks could be interesting per se, they are too many and only can be handled in an unfocused fashion - there appears to be a mindset of doing things cheap rather than right or sustainably. Ultimately costing more in terms of time, efficiency, operational integrity, development and personal health.
Relaxed working atmosphere and no pressure on doing things fast.
They would rather have you work at your own pace and do things well
More benefits
- schönes, frisch renoviertes Büro direkt an der S-Bahn Station Sonnenalle und gegenüber vom ESTREL Konferenzhotel
- gutes technisches Setup
- intern sowie extern ein gutes Standing
- man hat auch ehemalige Kollegen gut in Erinnerung und freut sich auf ein Wiedersehen bei regelmäßigen BBQs
- niemand erwartet Überstunden
- die Arbeitszeit-Regelung ist flexibel, sodass jede/r sich den besten Rahmen kreieren kann
- verschiedene Weiterbildungsangebote existieren
- Karrierepfade werden weiter ausgebaut und entwickelt
- das starke Unternehmenswachstum lässt ausreichend Raum für Entwicklung
- attraktives Provisionsmodell ausgerichtet auf Langfristigkeit für Mitarbeiter und Kunde
- betriebliche Altersvorsorge
- Zuschuss zu Erholungsurlaub
- Zuschuss für den ÖPNV
- respektvoller, freundlicher Umgang
- direkt, offen, fair, rücksichtsvoll
- am (persönlichen + professionellen) Wachstum des Mitarbeiters interessiert
- multilingual, multikulturell
- transparent und offen
- die Branche und das Unternehmen bringen unglaublich viel Potential mit sich!
- der Alltag ist abwechslungsreich
- je nach persönlicher Kompetenz kann man seine Fokusthemen finden
Ein Ort mit Wohlfühlcharakter
Tolles Team - unterhaltsame Events
Aufstiegschancen sind vorhanden
Man geht sehr offen miteinander um, man gibt Feedback, man wird unterstützt
Das Bildungskonto kann für unterschiedliche Workshops, Bücher etc. genutzt werden
Überstunden werden nicht erwartet
Ein BVG Ticket wäre sehr wünschenswert
Transparenz und das gesamte Team.
Gibt nichts zu bemängeln
Umweltbewusstsein könnte ausgeprägter sein. Vielleicht mal danke sagen, wenn jemand darüber hinaus arbeitet.
Mehr geht immer :)
Es liegt nicht an der Firma sondern am Menschen selbst mit zu denken.
Langsam wird es zu klein. :)
Gibt noch ein bisschen Luft nach oben
Es wird nie wirklich langweilig
not well known because it's B2B, but good image within the industry
not gonna lie, there is a lot to do in a startup, but nobody forces you to work overtime. Homeoffice once a week and flex time (8-5, 9-6 or 10-7)
management positions are often filled internally, personal development is important here
founders are really aware of equality topics etc.
best team ever :-)
only a few colleagues are older than 40, but age doesnt really matter
improved a lot over the past 2 years, really good relationship between supervisors / founders and teams from what I notice
we need more space, but apart from that all is fine
improved a lot, management is more aware of how they communicate strategic decisions
equal pay, employee happiness workgroups, many different nations get along very well
really challenging, you gotta be self-driven, but it is rewarding and interesting
Die interne Kommunikation funktioniert hier sehr gut. Man hat die Möglichkeit viel einzubringen und auch viel zu lernen.
Flexible Arbeitszeiten +Homeoffice
Sehr schöne Atmospäre unter Kollegen
I really enjoy the working environment and my team! The projects are interesting and there is never a boring day!
The communication and project management between teams could be improved, and the office space is limited so with a growing team it can get a bit hectic! However I know steps are being made to improve both of these areas, so the feedback is shared.
Everyone is kind, helpful and passionate about the product and our industry
bookingkit offers you flexibility that really makes balancing work and free time very easy! And they sponsor some fun activities that make for a nice overlap!
There are many opportunities for self-advancement.
The company offers careers and advancement programs, not just "jobs"!
Everyone is open and eager to help.
I have been met with utmost professionalism and respect.
As with any growing startup, communication between teams can sometimes be difficult, but it is dealt with brilliantly by the management.
Every day I am met with interesting and inspiring projects!
- offen und transparent
- Kollegenzusammenhalt
- Team-Spirit
- Geschäftsführung nicht top-down, sondern auf Augenhöhe
- typische kleine Kinderkrankheiten ausmerzen ;)
Trotz Startup, keine 10-12h Tage.
Großer Zusammenhalt, Events und Get2gethers während und nach der Arbeitszeit.
Offene Kommunikation, konstruktive Kritik, klare Visionen und Anweisungen.
Transparente, offene, direkte Kommunikation zwischen Mitarbeitern und Vorgesetzten.
- lots of events and barbeques
- open and transparent management
the elevator doesn't always work and I'm kinda lazy
some laptops could be replaced with new ones
So verdient kununu Geld.