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Unbelievable bad communication between supervisor and worker. For a long time I will no forget this bad experience.

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat bis 2021 im Bereich Forschung / Entwicklung bei Bruker Daltonics GmbH & Co. KG in Bremen gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

In R&D department in Bremen - NOTHING. Even there are some positive things, communication is so bad that all pluses are converted to 0. In test department is opposite. Very good experience.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

In R&D department in Bremen - EVERYTHING.


In this company I experienced something which I never believed it could be possible to experience in multinational company in Germany. I was several months in R&D department. During that time there was no communication about my performance with my boss. After several months I received invitation for the meeting with bosses and HR (I got invitation email 20 minutes before the meeting), and on that meeting I was simply kicked out from the department. This occurrence is not the message for future candidates not to apply for the job in R&D in this company (some people had a good experience) but to be very careful when they decide to apply. I can only imagine how bad situation would be if candidate needs to move from another city or another country for such a job and then experiences something like this. It is very sad to work surrounded by silence and one day - storm. Not to mention that I was partially misleaded during the job interview what will exactly be my future tasks. Some promises were fulfilled, but some promises are completely forgotten. I do not have any suggestion for improvement because my boss in that department was simply the person with terrible personality and bad communication manner. That can not be improved.
I also need to mention that I had very good experience later in the test department. Team was really great, both boss and other co-workers.
So, overall experience in R&D - disaster.
In test department - excellent.


This was not bad aspect of the job.




Ok, but I give one star because of other aspects.


Ok, but I give one star because of other aspects.


Terrible. No communication about personal performance. One day, all of a sudden - bad news.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

The only older co-worker I had contact with was my boss, and it was terrible.


Very loud.


Not good salary for that industry field, but it is OK.


Image of the company is plus.

Interessante Aufgaben





Tobias HöflichManager Employer Branding

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Tobias Höflich

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