4 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
4 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 2,4 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
Einer dieser Mitarbeiter hat den Arbeitgeber in seiner Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil einrichten4 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 2,4 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
Einer dieser Mitarbeiter hat den Arbeitgeber in seiner Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Beste interne Steuerung der Arbeit die ich bisher erlebt habe
Etwas unpersönlich aufgrund der Größe
Good way to keep your employees happy, but management should learn how to handle employees. European offices have different ways.
Lots of demands from the central office in China, that have to de done inmediately to be forgotten next day.
Lots of demands from the central office in China that have to de done inmediately to be forgotten next day.
Colleagues are the best way to stand unprofessional Management.
Lots of forbidden subjects, secrecy and censorship of political matters.
Working times are ridiculous for the work done. Lots of unnecessary stress from main office.
No hope for promotions. Sometimes they give you another job title but no raise.
Uneven salaries for the same job.
Lots of plastic, freebies, gadgets, packing. Recycling is not a company directive.
Best thing.
Mostly young.
In my whole life I have never seen such uselessness.
Lots of perks to keep employees happy. But don’t lie to yourself, promotion possibilities are almos none.
Central in China contradicts itself everyday.
Some people had a better salary for the same type of work.
The occasional free t-shirt with slogans like ''always day one'', ''be candid and clear'' or ''be grounded and courageous'' and the regular company culture events where HR would ask us what these slogans actually mean and then have us collectively make a drawing to visualize the company slogans.
The management likes to order sushi and their are free bananas so you don't starve during night shifts.
The sort of feudal system where each manager has a manager all the way to the HQ in Beijing.
The way managers just seem to care about their own power base and building their little empires
The favoritism of the management rewards the wrong people (the so-called ''top performers'') for the wrong reasons
They don't keep their word / make empty promises (about career perspectives and improvements that never happen)
Care more about the health of your employees by implementing a shift rotation system, so people can recover from night shifts and enjoy free evenings and weekends.
Take measures against a toxic working environment, get out the bullys and discourage negative behaviour (e.g. backstabbing and downgrading others behind their backs)
Work with employees on a career plan and don't make anymore empty promises
Promote people because of their merits and not for their ability to ''please'' the management
Discuss ideas, different opinions and conflicts in a open and mature manner so everybody can learn and grow
Discuss cultural differences more openly so both sides can profit
It's your worst nightmare. Nobody talks to anyone. Since only individual performance counts for the Chinese management and every minute, every mouse-click is tracked, the pressure is too high to join in casual conversation with your coworkers, but you can watch a never ending show of short videos instead.
The company obviously pumps a lot of renminbi in glistening marketing campaigns to promote their apps, there have been some scandals concerning their apps, but the reality underneath the surface and the truth about the company remain mostly hidden for the moment. If the CPC-loyal company wants te become a global success, it really has to broaden its (eastern) horizon and be cool (instead of another big data monopolist-wannabe).
When you work from 16 PM till 1 AM, there is no such thing as a Work-Life-Balance, doesn't matter which promises were made by the company's recruiters. Normal office hours are only to be enjoyed by the management and supervisors. If you do have two weeks of normal office hours, this will be presented to you as ''divine mercy'', although it will only help to further ruin your sleeping pattern and what is left of your health. (Don't mention home office. There is no such thing in China.)
The company doesn't care about your career interests, they only care about their own business needs. So far, I have never participated in any serious training or had a conversation with HR about my career perspectives. When you do your job and you do it well, they just want to keep you there, right where you are. Competent and qualified people know better and move on.
The salary used to be above average, but it seems somewhere along the way they changed their mind about that and now new employees make much less. This has led to a ridiculous pay gap between people who actually perform the same job.
Bytedance doesn't mind to have flashy neon signs with the company's motto and flat screens with company propaganda wasting energy 24/7 and importing tons of cheap plastic marketing merchandise from China. Or fly in a tech guy from the USA the fix the internet.
I have never witnessed such a hostile and toxic working environment. The petty Machiavellian plots and schemes just never stop, the backstabbing goes on and on. People who are strong at self-promotion while ruthlessly downgrading their opponents thrive at this company. Because supervisors actively involve in this kind of behaviour themselves, lend their ear to all the gossip and use it against people, they make this workplace a living hell.
Most employees Bytedance hires are relatively young (23-35).
Disturbing and disgraceful. Absolute lack of leadership and even basic management skills, but good at delegating tasks to others and basically let them do most of the work. Mostly absent during hard times or when painful decisions to what remained of the team had been or had to be taken. People the supervision didn't like or didn't know how to deal with, were sidelined or fired. The higher management and HR just stood by, watched and did nothing as the initially highly motivated team died a slow, but certain death.
The office is situated at the Potsdamer Platz WeWork area. The building (not the office) offers quite a magnifecent view on the Tiergarten. The IT equipment, tables and chairs are OK. The air quality in the office is bad, especially during the night and on weekends.
The higher management has still to acknowledge there actually exist cultural differences between Europe and China, especially when it comes to human relations, communication styles and dealing with conflicts. Any major decisions will basically be passed along the chain of command all the way to the bottom where you are left to deal with it. No protective shield, no constructive discussions: just do it or get lost.
The development of the app has been stunning, yet the tasks carried out in the Berlin office are mundane and extremely monotonous. Watching over a 1000 short videos everyday in a dark office building slowly but certainly turns your brain into a mush and give you nightmares you cannot imagine.
Lots of perks.
Management was asking tor things very difficult to achieve.
Chinese working culture does not work in Europe. Please re-educate Chinese workers.
Working place was top. There were a lot of perks and meetings for special occasions.
Some of the apps are very succesful, but some of the working conditions of the people working there are not good at all.
After a night shift, there was little that could be done.
No recycling at all. Lots of plastic.
Different language groups were not interacting with each other.
Most people wer young. Older people were dismissed.
Chinese Management was changing its mind very often. One day it was A, next B and next one A again.
The Chinese Management has very little clue of how things work in Europe, as well as of European work laws.