Worst startup culture experienced in Berlin
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
At this point pretty much nothing
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
There is no willingness to foster a trust culture, people are treated bad and there is always the need to control employees. This kind of attitude makes people hate their jobs
The work atmosphere is absolutely toxic and unhealthy. Having the expectation that people work more than 10 hours a day and during the weekend is basically exploitation, considering the low pay
There is no culture in this company, there is just work. People don’t talk in the office
If you start here, you can forget about your private life. The expectation is to be available 24/7
Interessante Aufgaben
Tasks could be interesting, but there is too much pressure to actually be able to enjoy them
As an international here, you feel left out
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
There are no older people hired because the expectation is to work non stop, so therefore only young people are given the job that have no other comittments
For the amount of work expected pay is terrible and there are basically no benefits. Even home office is generally not preferred and there is no understanding for doctor appointments or any similar situations. If I am sick, the expectation is to work from home