Felt severely BULLIED BY SENIOR HR LEADERSHIP; abusive, toxic; DIDN'T PAY INVOICE; no self-reflection, no accountability
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Felt like a bizarre personal vendetta against me as a random HR freelancer. Severe lack of EQ + self-reflection, malevolent. HR FOLKS + FREELANCERS, STAY CLEAR!! (CEO NO INTEGRITY either)
I did 2 huge projects for them, 7+ months each
I felt severely bullied by Senior HR Leadership. (You know who you are!) Would never ever work for them again.
- Constant overstepping of my clearly communicated boundaries, downright malevolent
- Played power games with my invoices: e.g. 20 (!) months later still UNPAID INVOICE. Involved Finance, Legal, CEO, my lawyer, the court even. All felt deliberately toxic. No integrity. Gross misconduct. (I even randomly ran into the CEO, addressed it, was told to email, ignored, followed up, ignored; no accountability, no integrity)
- Unmannered + unprofessional; e.g. no offboarding or thank you (In fact, I worked my last month without a contract in place (which by German law entitles me to a permanent employment contract, lol no thank you!)
- Overall disrespectful, inhumane, deplorable behaviour; pathetic for someone in HR
- I could see no self-reflection, just defensiveness + spite
- Total disregard of company values
For the sake of everyone that's forced to work with you: Check your priorities!