52 Bewertungen von Bewerbern
52 Bewerber haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,2 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
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Jetzt Profil einrichten52 Bewerber haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,2 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Don’t wait until the last round to decline people. The process is super long. Call with HR, call with team manager, call with two other engineers, a challenge and a 2,5 hours on-site interview. Most of the questions I had to answer 2-3 times. There was zero feedback after each stage and in the end I was rejected. For me it seems like they are trying to keep candidates on the back burner and delay the final decision as long as possible...
How would you do these and that...
- HR initial interview was ok and the girl was friendly and professional.
- Technical interviewer cancelled the interview in the same day without any reason, so I had to contact HR myself and ask about what is going on. It turned out that he was sick and they couldn't find someone to do the interview in his shoes. In the rescheduled call, he showed up late and said he has issues with his laptop and had to cancel. We had to reschedule the call for a second time; after agreeing on a date, the same interviewer contacted me saying he is busy and can't make the call and need to reschedule again.
- The company doesn't treat potential candidates in a humane way and I don't recommend it.
Alles Interviews liefen positiv. Als der nächste Schritt dann das Finale Interview in Berlin sein sollte, habe ich, auch nach Kontaktaufnahme, nichts mehr gehört. Nicht cool.
Better prepared hr.
Don't waste peoples time by inviting them over and over again for interviews and rejecting them in the very last round, based on grounds that could have been used to reject a candidate in the very first or second round. Such a waste of time and very unprofessional!!
In general all run smoothly and nice, but at the end I was offered the conditions which were not the ones we had discussed before: instead of unlimited I was offered a limited contract and also a starting date which we had discussed during the interview as impossible for me because of Christmas holidays (and it was accepted well, I was told they are flexible and we find a solution). Also a period of notice for not leading position would be 3 (!!!) months.
I have never encountered and hope I won't when you are promised some conditions which also define if you are interested in a position or not and afterwards you are offered something completely different and no discussion is possible.
I understood that if to start like that, it will be only worse further, since right in the beginning it was not professional and no compromises were possible.
It's a pity because I wanted exactly such position, but conditions of work mean a lot.
I wish there were a different professional management in the company.
Nach 3 Wochen warten erst auf Nachfrage die Antwort, dass Initiativbewerbungen nicht berücksichtigt werden, obwohl die Website klar und deutlich sagt, dass Initiativbewerbungen per Mail gern gesehen werden.
Mir wurde lediglich gesagt, dass ich mich bitte auf eine konkrete Stelle bewerben soll. Entweder stimmt die Information auf der Website nicht, oder man hatte nie die Absicht mir irgendeine Antwort zu geben. Es kam nicht einmal eine Bestätigungsmail, nachdem ich meine Bewerbung eingereicht hatte - oder ein Hinweis, dass die Info auf der Website nicht mehr aktuell ist.
Skype instead of telephone would be more personal.
Technical questions regarding assessment.
So verdient kununu Geld.