Decent employer with room for improvement
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Flexible working hours.
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Location. Office is in middle of nowhere. Difficult for people without car.
Betriebsrat should be established! Current BRC is not powerful.
More trust in employees and their motivation. Please concentrate less on office attendance rate.
Offer health benefits (for big range of gyms or other restorative facilities).
Depends on department how own efforts are recognized and valued
Top down communication always on too short notice before a change.
Quite good in general
Was good with remote working, but office attendance made it worse again
Is okay, depends on department
Feels like not interested in equal pay and everyone for himself/herself as most companies. Sometimes weird comments on sexual diversity from few people (denying transgender identity, sort out diverse people from applications). Women seem to be treated and valued equally on communication level.
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
options for flexibile working or work hours would be appreciated
Noisy open space offices. Because of security measures a lot of basics (macros and more) got disabled. Local IT loses capability.
Canteen food is good!
Access to special equipment possible (like adjustable desks).
Salary below competitive salary, but you can try to get more.
Lot possibilities for trainings. Promotions seem to be based more by lottery not experience