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Survival training: No appreciation - no development opportunities - daily justifications - hard cost reduction targets

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Administration / Verwaltung bei DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT in Frankfurt am Main gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Salary on time paid. Many different and interesting areas to work.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Woman are not really developed and promoted internally in Germany, just to AVP and speaking up is not rewarded. Its punished. Culture still a big area for improvement.


Promote woman also locally in Germany, set realistic cost reduction targets without using workforce as bonus pool for management and allow home office when the performance is good instead of hard fixed days. Save the costs for pseudo well being programs, office building rent and external consultants and companies and reward and appreciate staff really.


Sadly only very formal, very competitive and partially aggressive


Unfriendly mails, peers making peers look bad in front of management
Depends. Some are really nice and friendly, some colleagues are writing mails to make others look bad in front of management. Depends. Direct communication to solve problems is not wanted.


Some are really nice and I enjoy working with them but there are also many egoistic ones picking cherries wherever possible


Ok, sadly getting worse as working from home which enabled very good work life balance is reduced.


Depends but many are just kicking downwards and selling upwards what others have achieved, really good ones are just a few and they have often no incentive to develop middle management into senior management. They allow no trainings, no travel to others just for themselves.

Interessante Aufgaben

The tasks are sometimes very interesting but you depend on so many others who have differing opinions and objectives that it is frustrating. Often the focus is extremely narrow and frustratingly with very limited influence on the individual outcome and performance.


Just when you have diversity goals….some male bosses prefer beauty over qualifications.
Woman are mainly promoted in India as it’s cheaper there.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Their experience is often not valued. Depends.


Inflexibel. Homeoffice is drastically reduced. Senior management is often themselves not in the office but asks staff to work in the office.
Travelling not allowed if you are not Managing Director and often how you have to do your job is strictly framed and micromanaged.
Cameras are monitoring.


Trying to but not always doing…could be easily improved. Depends on the individual.


The main reason to stay. Bonus is cut every year more and more.


Could be better.


Survival training not to be part of a new cost reduction program.
Almost impossible in Germany.

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