54 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
54 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,1 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
40 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
54 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,1 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
40 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Fantastic colleagues who stay motivated even after a year without raises. The four-day workweek definitely played a big role in keeping spirits up. Plus, the great events and year-end party were a nice touch!
Abrupt changes without consulting the team or considering their input. Continuously removing flexibility and fostering a culture of fear.
Why ignore employees' well-being and introduce processes that demotivate instead of inspiring them? It’s crucial to listen to your team—constantly changing things every two months and expecting better results just isn’t realistic. Stability and understanding go a long way.
A lot of uncertainty with top-down changes happening all the time
Mandetory office days while there are not enogh space
Currently its dead end for most of the devs. There is no growth plan not even discussion
Great colleagues
No real discussions about growth, just a lot of empty talk. It’s frustrating when there’s no clear direction or actionable plan to move forward.
From great becoming toxic
No communication when making changes to perfectly working team to make it loose it cohesion
Cutting down on benifits and making it harder for empoyees to use funds
Tasks are quite challenging only good thing about this comapny now
Having been in my profession for over 20 years, I’ve seen many companies attempt to balance growth, innovation, and employee satisfaction. I can confidently say that this company does an exceptional job of creating an environment where both the business and its people can thrive. Having been here for over five years, I’ve witnessed its evolution firsthand.
Rapid growth naturally brings challenges, and as the workforce has expanded, it has come to mirror the diversity of society at large. Unfortunately, this also means that a small but vocal group of employees often chooses to focus on complaints rather than engaging in constructive dialogue and become part of the solution. In my view, these individuals miss the opportunity to address their concerns directly through the open feedback channels that the company actively fosters. Instead, they prefer the anonymity of platforms like Kununu, which rarely provide the full picture.
The reality is that this company goes to great lengths to ensure a positive working environment. From monthly team-building events to larger celebrations, a mobility budget, robust development programs, pension fund support, German classes for our foreign employees (even for interns), fitness cooperation, and opportunities to take ownership of one's work, the organization provides a wealth of benefits and resources....to name just as a such. These efforts create a culture where employees are encouraged to grow professionally and personally - nobody will hold back to involve themselves.
I also want to address some of the criticisms I’ve encountered. Leadership, including our CEO, consistently demonstrates clear decision-making in a time when the global economy - and particularly industries like automotive - are undergoing significant change. These decisions may not always be immediately understood by all, but they reflect a long-term vision and a commitment to sustainability and growth.
Coming together is the cornerstone of any successful company. Strong relationships within the workplace not only help us tackle daily challenges more effectively but also create a sense of belonging - a place where people feel valued, supported, and at home.
When employees connect, collaborate, and support one another, it builds a foundation of trust and mutual respect. These bonds are what allow teams to weather storms, embrace innovation, and achieve shared goals. A company isn’t just about its products or services; it’s about its people.
Fostering this sense of unity requires effort, from organizing team-building events to encouraging open communication and providing opportunities for professional and personal growth. This company excels at creating these moments of connection, reminding us that we’re not just colleagues - we’re a great bunch of people, where a lot of friendships started off.
In this environment, we don’t just work together; we grow together, face challenges together, and succeed together. That’s what transforms a workplace into a home and ensures that both the company and its people can thrive. It's my sweet spot - having seen a lot of companies from the inside. DCS is a special one, but definitely a lovely one where you can grow a lot with heart-warming and supportive people.
This brings me to a key point: while every company has room for improvement, it’s important to recognize the many positives here. As I shared in a previous statement, this organization has its challenges, as any fast-growing company does. However, it is also a place of opportunity, innovation, and empowerment. For those willing to embrace these opportunities and contribute to solutions, it’s a truly rewarding place to build a career.
Ultimately, I feel privileged to be part of this journey and to work alongside colleagues who share the same commitment to excellence and growth. This is a company that listens, adapts, and continues to strive for greatness, and I’m proud to be a part of its story. DCS is a employer I will always recommend!
Die einzigen positiven Aspekte dieses Unternehmens sind die Mitarbeiter. Viele wunderbare Menschen, die den Arbeitsalltag erleichtern.
Dieser Arbeitgeber verspricht den Mitarbeitern das Blaue vom Himmel, weiß aber nicht, wie man mit Geld umgeht. Hinter verschlossenen Türen werden sehr schlechte Entscheidungen getroffen, ohne jegliche Transparenz und ohne die Experten im Unternehmen zu befragen. Es werden Tools gekauft, die niemand nutzt, einige Tools werden gestrichen, ohne dass Ersatz bereitgestellt wird, und natürlich werden die Mitarbeiter verantwortlich gemacht, wenn Projekte nicht weitergeführt werden können.
Das mittlere Management ist extrem inkompetent, nutzt aber seine geringe Macht, um den Mitarbeitern Angst zu machen, ihnen zu sagen, sie sollten besser kündigen, sie anzulügen und Konflikte zwischen Teams zu schüren, während Teamleiter ihre Teams nie verteidigen.
Das Unternehmen entlässt auch willkürlich Mitarbeiter ohne jede echte Erklärung und stellt dann ebenso willkürlich inkompetente Personen ein, um den Personalmangel zu beheben. Die Firma verlangt, dass du jeden Tag dein Bestes gibst und doppelt so viel arbeitest wie in jedem anderen Unternehmen, um die Dinge am Laufen zu halten, doch du wirst nie bedankt, und deine mentale Gesundheit wird zerstört.
Gar keine. Manche Mitarbeiter arbeiten noch um 23 Uhr.
Bei deiner Einstellung verspricht das Unternehmen ein jährliches Budget von 2000 € für persönliche und berufliche Entwicklung. Doch das Budget für die Weiterentwicklung wird jedes Jahr um August herum gekürzt, weil das Unternehmen kein Geld mehr hat.
Null Transparenz
Gehalt ist fair. Es gibt aber sehr große Diskrepanzen.
Die deutschen Mitarbeiter werden deutlich besser behandelt als die ausländischen.
I started off without knowing much about the EMSP (e-mobility service provider) industry, however I find it more interesting and enthusiastic. Company has offered a great extent to a diverse-d culture and I find myself fit right in. I am grateful for the team (Platform Engineering team) I am working and the lead has been nothing but an amazing leader/colleague. The dynamics within the team is outstanding and so is overall company's.
The interesting domain.
The dramatic short-termism.
The pressure to deliver immediate revenue jeopardized the work experience. The daily business, at all levels, must be on short-term target. Even if something doesn't make sense on the long run, or even damages the company, it has to be done ASAP anyway. Skilled people have to put their brain aside and deliver what required.
We had a skilled Lead Software Architect, who was leading the IT to a more scalable and stable architecture, but they let him go without a plausible explanation or a replacement.
Outside: End customers usually choose competitors because of the high prices of the DCS. Partners are chronically angry because projects get delivered with big delay.
Inside: after the layoff of external and internal employees, despite a future-proof industry, the image can't be good.
Good, but in case of important failures, which happens not rarely, you have to work also at night until things get right again.
But if you don't invest in system quality, that's what you get.
There is a yearly budget that usually gets withdrawn in the second half of the year because of cuts to the main budget.
Salary increases has been reduced to the minimum due to the financial situation. The problem is that the company pays high salaries for some people in high positions that is not clear how the bring the company forward. They are only about the internal processes of the company, without actually contributing to projects. A whole well-payed layer is considered to be useless by most of the operative people, and this hurts when your salary increase request gets rejected because of budget shortage.
Good, the business is about EV-charging.
The company has very capable employees, as mentioned before, but also others that I don't understand what they do the whole day. The are some that simply take part at some remote meetings, the camera is turned off and they don't say a word. If you ask them about anything concerning the topic, they show that they simply didn't listen. And they don't even deliver any other kind of work that they could have possibly done during that time.
There is nothing to say here neither.
Unfortunately, managers don't have the technical skills to really assess what's going on. They have to rely on explanations given by someone else and on the base of that they form their own opinion.
They also don't have much leeway in decision-making, as the race to break even is the only criterion.
Good office, also because they improved the equipment last year. Sometimes it gets too full because of the rule 3d/w in the office.
The weekly all-hands is similar to a war bulletin and contributes to exasperation.
Nothing to say.
No room for the real improvements that the company would need to gain a better position on the market. Just profit-making features in a quick'n'dirty way at cost of the system architecture, continuously increasing the tech debts.
Collaboration, Innovation, freedom to create your own thought and the support given to back you up
Changed a lot in the past years. Too many different people, Open Office is too noisy with over 60 people in Berlin and Munich. Too many meetings
You can Bring your dog, Home Office is allowed
If it weren't for the nice people and the good salary, many employees would leave the company faster.
COO should be changed. Does not pay attention to the company's money. Just think of his image. Always wants to do expensive parties., even though there is no cash.
Too many meetings, noisy offices
Management provides information to employees on a regular basis
A lot of topics, too many projects, no focus
- salary and benefits
- cool colleagues
- team events
- promising industry
- frequent updates from management
- IT and tools (meeting equipment, possibility to choose the laptop the person prefers, switch to Google products (or at least to Google Meet/Slack))
Interesting tasks.
Inexperienced leaders and departments constantly blaming each other. No togetherness
Growth talks.
Leadership training
Feedback culture.
Cut costs and focus on what matters. Have a clear goal and priorities what is the short term goal and long term vision.
High stress, overload of tasks and projects. High employee fluctuation.
After a point no more progression. No feedback talks, growth talks. CC lead not showing up to 1:1s…
Lower than market average.
Not answering each others emails, questions. People ghosting and ignoring each other.
Inexperienced, clueless leadership.
Departments blaming each other, gossiping behind each other. Heavy Micro management on CC level, no E2E responsibilities. Dark age systems and tools to work with.
Great colleague, great culture, good tech stack.
It would be better to see a bit more fine-grained approach. Not changing everything every year would also be a better idea. Please continue with the topics which people are interested in.
Generally, working conditions are great but the issue of dealing with the incompetent lead is an issue you might want to review.
Great place to work. Everyone is helpful.
Working pressure is quite high in some teams but it's expected since a lot of topics are ongoing
Generally, colleagues are very nice but if you have to work with certain lead is quite difficult
open communication
So verdient kununu Geld.