12 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
12 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,9 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
12 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil vervollständigen12 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,9 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
12 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Das tollste Team, das ich mir vorstellen könnte. Generell ein sehr gutes Unternehmen, um als Geschäftsführer tätig zu sein.
sehr angenehme Arbeitsatmosphäre, man fühlt sich immer wohl
Job und Privatleben sind super miteinander vereinbar, anders, als man es sich oft in der Beratungsbranche vorstellt
es gibt viel internes Angebot oder Termine zur Weiterbildung, aber auch z.B. SAP-Zertifikate werden gefördert
man kann auf jeden zugehen, bekommt immer Hilfe angeboten. Es gibt Teamevents und auch nach der Arbeit wird regelmäßig etwas zusammen unternommen
sehr führsorglich, geht auf alle ein und sorgt für eine gute Working Experience
sehr schönes Bürogebäude mit sehr guter technischer Ausstattung, Foodtrucks, Kantinen, kostenlose Getränke usw.
es wird offen kommuniziert, es gibt regelmäßige Meetings, um sich auszutauschen
habe noch nicht mitbekommen, dass irgendjemand in irgendeiner Situation benachteiligt worden wäre
Diokles supports new colleagues with a long-term mentorship right from their first day to define their goals more precisely and support them with questions and personal concerns. In addition, employees have access to an SAP Learning Hub account to expand and update their skills and knowledge. Diokles also offers other training opportunities and places great emphasis on providing its employees with targeted training to advance their careers.
Diokles ensures the work-life balance of its employees by offering flexible working hours and supporting them with their individual requirements, such as workation. Additionally, the company frequently arranges team events to enhance the feeling of unity among employees and create a setting that is separate from the everyday work routine. These include weekend excursions, joint dinners or activities such as go-karting or a visit to the Oktoberfest. Another benefit is the DioFit programme, which gives employees access to numerous gyms all over Germany.
Great team spirit. Regardless of the situation, you can always count on everyone's willingness to offer support and lend a helping hand.
Particularly when it comes to welcoming new colleagues, it is prioritized to ensure their warm welcome. The company takes great care in introducing them to the team, providing each individual with a one-on-one meeting to foster connections right from the beginning.
In addition, there is a weekly virtual coffee break that brings all colleagues together, allowing us to enjoy each other's company through enjoyable games.
There is a remarkable balance between equality and professionalism in the relationship with superiors. It is ensured that your suggestions and needs are truly heard and taken into account.
Even though the number of women is not disproportionately high, the team attaches great importance to creating an equal and inclusive atmosphere in which everyone feels comfortable.
A young team. Colleagues get along super well.
A warm working atmosphere. Work without internal pressure.
The completion of certifications is encouraged and recorded in writing.
One can also make own training proposals.
You can approach all your colleagues at any time. i never hat the feeling of not being welcome.
Very professional and yet very friendly and human. I would never want to swap again
- Bright offices
- Coffee machine and many different drinks available.
- The latest technology is available. You even have a say in cell phones and laptops.
There are regular meetings for internal and external exchange. You are well informed and can also introduce topics yourself at any time.
Neben den spannenden Aufgaben ist hier wirklich das Team an sich zu nennen. Inzwischen sind wir 12 Personen und es ist wirklich das beste Team in dem ich bisher war!
Wir haben als Team eine super Atmosphäre und versuchen immer so viel Spaß wie möglich rein zu bringen.
Man muss verstehen, dass man in der Beratung arbeitet, das heißt Arbeitszeiten können auch mal inflexibler sein ABER man nimmt immer Rücksicht, und versucht das beste daraus zu machen. Das habe ich sogar in manchen Firmen In-House so noch nicht erlebt.
Ich glaube neben dem Zusammenhalt ist das der größte Pluspunkt der Firma. Man versucht stetig jeden weiterzubilden und immer das beste raus zu holen.
Jeder hilft jedem immer. Ich glaube mehr muss man nicht sagen.
Vorgesetzte verhalten sich stets vorbildlich und man vermisst nichts. Es gibt regelmäßig (anfangs wöchentlich, dann 2-wöchentlich, monatlich und dann je nachdem wie es sich einpendelt) Feedback Gespräche die in beide Richtungen gehen. Man nimmt das Feedback ernst und versucht immer die Mitarbeiter mit einzubeziehen.
Sehr offen und ehrlich.
Man sagt immer, dass insbesondere Start-Ups schlechter bezahlen. Aber nicht hier, man bekommt wirklich ein sehr gutes Gehalt.
Als Start-Up in der SAP Beratung hat man wohl immer interessante Aufgaben. Jeder darf überall mithelfen, wenn man möchte. Es macht auf alle Fälle sehr viel Spaß.
Very benevolent leadership and calm athmosphere with nice chats in between when work allows it.
We have a good reputation in general since we're working very diligently and we all share the goal of doing a good job. In addition to that everybody tells stories about how bad former employees were and how happy they are at Diokles.
Communication is key and when talking about this topic we're met with understanding and the will to make everybody feel comfortable. Since we're in contact with clients we have a core time when to be available of course, that comes with the job. Also in contrast to other firms in this field of expertise our leader makes sure that we only have to take absolutely necessary business trips, since our work is done remotely anyway.
There is an active interest by our leadership to improve our skills, get certified in additional fields that might benefit us and the company. We're free to improve our skills during working hours as long as the order situation with our clients allows it and we also have additional funds for doing that.
The salary is good in comparison with the market and the handling of talks about it is very professional and open.
With the focus of preventing unneccesary business trips our firm already has a large impact on CO2 prevention. We're always using the reusable food containers from the canteens and we're not buying drinks from providers with bad reputation (Coca cola, Nestle, you name it). However there's still some room to improve in terms of green energy, saving energy or investing in social causes. But since we're a Start-Up i know we'll get there eventually since our leadership is very open for change and arguments.
We're enjoying every lunch break together, that forms a really wonderful athmosphere for work. When new to the team the interest of every colleague is genuine and they don't get tired asking how things are going and how you're doing.
We're a very young team, yet we're actively looking for older and more experienced colleagues as well.
There is a lot of trust in every employee and it is easy to see how he cares about us having a comfortable working experience and feel appreciated.
The offices are beautifully modern, we have a nice view outside the windows and our technical equipment is modern. We're getting a large variety of free drinks (the whole fritz supply, bionade,... ) and coffee and we have two cantines, a bistro and daily changing food trucks available.
Communication is utterly open, everything is discussed in advance and there is a lot of interest in each other, by colleagues and even more by our leader.
As of yet i could not spot a single instant where anybody would've been treated better or worse than others. All the offers and opportunities our leader provides us always apply for everyone.
The job as an SAP consultant is extremely diversified. It involves social interaction with clients, tackling different technical subjects every time and also working with colleagues regularly to make use of their expertise as well. On top of that we share internal tasks and everybody can put his/her strengths to work wherever they feel the could help, thats the upside of being a small Start-Up.
Locker uns spaßig
Kann jeder gestalten wie er/sie möchte -> besser als bei den meisten anderen Beratunsunternehmen
Was du möchtest, ich kenne keine Weiterbildung, welche Diokles abgelehnt hat
Vielen Teamevents
flache Hierarchie
offen, in verschiedenen Sprachen, ehrlich, freundlich
Bestimme deine Aufgaben selbst mit ;-)
So verdient kununu Geld.