Tradition and innovation in a medium sized company
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Flexibility, possibility, open-mindedness
positive and relaxed atmosphere for a quality but a no-stress performance
It is improving day by day
a lot of new hired, open-minded and cooperative colleagues
Home office, flexible working hours, the possibility of part-time, extra activities for easing off your mind from working hours...all good!
open and transparent communication is encouraged
Interessante Aufgaben
there is always something new, especially in my area: every day there is a new exciting project that can be implemented
especially in the last months a lot of women have been hired to lead strategic positions
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
the wind is changing in ELT and also the older colleagues recognize how the modernity in the approach to work can only be of improvement
Things are improving: there is more awareness