From one team, followership and empowerment to politics, lack of appreciation and loss of trust.
It’s very sad to see that leadership, mainly founders, CMO and VP People have created and environment in which people are demotivated, not willing to bring the company forward. Founders are clue less, and CMO and VP people fighting for the ears of the founders. Such a political round.
Active CEO clearly needs support from knowledgeable managers, but still believes he can solve issues with what he so calls “strategic entrepreneurial” vision.
Other founder is unseen. Better because topic he touches, people that get burned out. Many valuable people left due to interactions with him.
There is a loss on willingness to go far and beyond for the company, as employees are either looking for new opportunities due to the loss of trust on management.
It’s starting to become a 9 to 5 job in which people feel more and more a massive lack of appreciation, and feel less identified with the company. Sad to see given that people 3 years ago felt the compay as their own.
This company can’t grow further with the current management team.
Current CMO has broken and lost endless country managers for the last 2 years, not supporting them and using politically his relationship with the CEO to not defend/support his team. Extreme micromanaging. I would like to understand what this person that was hired to solved Data back in 2020 has done for the company as data still is an open topic.
VP People is an extreme hierarchical person, who is willing to remove “power” from the CMO to benefit his position. Extreme untrustworthy person and fake.