5 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
5 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,8 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
5 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil einrichten5 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,8 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
5 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Company policy. The open communication between management and staff is unique. The respect that management has for its employees is groundbreaking for German corporate culture, and many can learn a lot from it. The trust in employees pays off and the focus on individual skills and development is unique.
And the offices are super dog-friendly :)
Nicer offices, less candy, more fruits. But that's a matter of taste ^^
Sometimes decisions get stuck in the discussion loop. It would be nice to have a little more room to make own decisions here.
Great atmosphere. Once a week threre is a remote get-together organized with Lieferando budget to get to know and stay in touch with colleagues who are usually only working from home. Every 6 weeks there are onsite events where you get together with the entire team to work together on current topics, create and attend workshops and do something varied together outside the office. This creates a positive atmosphere both within the team and across teams
As mentioned, a remote-first company. Likeminded, a mental wellbeing service provider, also helps a lot. It pays close attention to the mental health of employees and seeks to reduce ongoing stress, rather than "cope better".
Good development opportunities. There are also regular feedback meetings with superiors. Unfortunately, this is no longer a matter of course. If there is an opportunity for further training and development, this is addressed directly
Good salary with various benefits, a learning budget, standing desk budget, Likeminded, subsidy for Deutschlandticket and a strong HR department.
The company is very aware of its responsibility as a role model. A little more focus on, for example, energy saving measures or more sustainability in the use of its own resources would be nice, but nothing that carries a lot of weight. First and foremost, the focus is on people. Both in the product and in the company.
A remote-first company that trusts its people. With open lines of communication, questions never go unanswered. You grow quickly with your role and the team
Whether you are a new employee or an experienced department head, fresh out of university or with several years' experience. Everyone brings new experience to the table, which is shared openly and sympathetically.
Impeccable. Also because they are usually present at team events. This reduces the barrier between C-level and employees, which creates a sense of togetherness. They also work with the team on daily tasks and are available as contact persons
Whether you want to work in the office, from home or somewhere in between, there is a model to suit everyone. An actively monitored time tracking system ensures that no overtime is worked and, if it is, that it is compensated accordingly.
The status, development, current milestones and everything that concerns the company is communicated openly and you have the opportunity to ask questions. Thanks to clear communication guidelines and structures, you always know when you can ask who, where and how.
There is a strong emphasis on equality in all areas. Not only on the HR side, but also on the management side. Attention is also paid to communication with each other, so that no one feels they have somehow stepped on someone else's toes.
As a start-up, there are always new tasks and challenges. There are always new challenges, both in projects and departments. Of course, not all of them are super exciting or fun, that's normal. But everyone will find an exciting task here.
Bei Energy Robotics schätze ich besonders die abwechslungsreichen Aufgaben und die Möglichkeit, in einem innovativen, zukunftsorientierten Unternehmen mitzuwirken. Besonders hervorheben möchte ich auch die großartige Teamarbeit – die Kollegen und Teammitglieder kommunizieren stets klar und respektvoll.
Überwiegend positiv, vor allem die Konzentration auf die Zusammenarbeit bei der Lösung von Problemen. Die Flexibilität in Bezug auf die Arbeitsbedingungen.
Nichts Besonderes
Die Prioritäten einschränken und etwas mehr Struktur einführen
Eine wirklich positive Arbeitsatmosphäre, in der die Kollegen zusammenarbeiten, um ein Problem zu lösen, obwohl sie in getrennten Teams arbeiten. Da es sich um ein internationales Unternehmen handelt, gibt es im Vergleich zu traditionellen Unternehmen viel Einfühlungsvermögen und Verständnis
Eines der besten Start-ups in Europa!
Ziemlich entspanntes Arbeitsumfeld für ein Startup. Die spannende Natur der Arbeit macht die seltenen langen Arbeitstage recht erträglich
Derzeit flache Hierarchie, aber guter Fokus auf Lernen mit jährlichem Lernbudget
Könnte besser sein
Ganz im Zeichen von sozialer Gerechtigkeit und Umweltbewusstsein
Wie bereits erwähnt, sind die Kollegen bereit, alles zu tun, um zu helfen und zusammenzuarbeiten.
Wirklich herzliche und freundschaftliche Beziehungen, sogar mit der Führungsebene
Die Vorgesetzten hören den jüngeren Mitarbeitern zu und sind offen für ihr Feedback. Ihr Verhalten ist herzlich und wirklich freundlich
Neueste Gadgets und Home Office Stehtischbudget
Trotz der Remotearbeit gibt es im gesamten Unternehmen eine offene Kommunikationskultur. Das Management informiert regelmäßig in Townhalls
Du arbeitest mit Robotern und Drohnen. Interessanter geht's nicht mehr!
Company atmosphere and work culture is really supportive and encouraging.
Quite well known among industry players.
Great Work-Life-Balance for a startup
Special budget allocated for development and certifications
High team spirit, everyone volunteers to take up responsibility.
Extremely supportive and encouraging.
Lots of transparency – especially from management, sales
We have a diverse team from all around the world and diverse fields of expertise from robot onboard software to web development and AI. It is virtually impossible to be boarded. There is always something one can learn. Additionally, I never had a job where my personal contribution had such a significant, direct impact for the company and our customers.
The sky would be the limit if we wouldn't have drones.
We still can improve how we communicate but there is also a lot of openness for new ideas and feedback. So, I am convinced that we will improve!