A family friendly company with strong known product, backed by Siemens
Generally good, flexible working hours and nice colleagues, removing toxic people will make things better
Very little clear communication, the management are living on their own island and you get information very late, no direct communication mentality
In close circles work is smooth, however clique culture is there, if you don’t have a gang you are bullied
Amazing, not much stress, work load is low and you can have a great balance
Managers are kind on personal level, however most of them lacks management experience and they get stuck in decisive situations
Interessante Aufgaben
It’s an old product, maintenance is the main task
Ladies, Multiple ethnicities, multiple religions are on all levels
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
The age is not an issue at all, most of those who are long enough in the company are helpful, however they feel a bit of implicit authority
Great location and amenities, professional IT and great hardware
Not on the market level