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Catastrophic work environment in Audit/Assurance

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr bei Ernst & Young GmbH in Eschborn gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Some of the partners are really nice and try their best to have the inclusivity EY advertises. However, this needs to be controlled overall.
Being a Big4, it is a good add-on to your CV.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Non-inclusivitiy of other nationalities, clear biasness towards native Germans during promotions/progressions, no control/action on unethical behaviour such as racist comments, unprofessional conduct, etc.


Establish the culture where everyone feels included and respected. Else, do not call people from other countries to work with you claiming that EY Eschborn is international, because it is definitely not.


The work culture is toxic with favoritisim and office politics rampant. The company does not foster a collaborative or respectful environment, especially with people from other nationalities. The company does not foster a collaborative or respectful environment.


Important information is not shared transparently or in a timely manner. Important updates are often delivered last minute, leaving employees scrambling to adjust. Undoubtedly, there is lack of recongnition making it difficult to know where one stands.


Mix crowd - some are really amazing but the others are terrible. Have experiences of German colleagues passing on racist remarks within the team and nobody raising their voice to it. Management takes no action and instead such people are promoted while others are not.


Even through there is sufficient work-life balance, but some have the habit to add unnecessary presurre leading to burnout and high turnover rates. Unfortunately, no action is taken on such people and instead they are promoted, while the others deserving are not.


The infrastructure is good, but overall environment is toxic and depressing for non-Germans.


The inflation is not kept in mind while making salary increment decisions it seems. For benefits, the employees get same 2euro per day subsidy on food, which has been the case since forever. There is no consideration to the fact that price on the menu has doubled meanwhile.


With the ongoing issues, image is definitely becoming weak.


Only sponsor and support specific further education and opportunities.






Talent Team

Thank you for your critical feedback and your rating on Kununu. We are very disappointed that you were not satisfied with the working atmosphere and conditions at EY. Our goal is to offer our employees an attractive and motivating environment at EY without exception. For this reason, we would be very pleased if you would support us in this endeavor! We would like to invite you to a personal and direct dialog: phone +49 30 25471 14765 or email: Andreas.Butz@de.ey.com. We are looking forward to a constructive exchange with you.
Regarding the violations of our values and Code of Conduct that you have observed or experienced, we encourage you to report these retrospectively and anonymously via our Ethics Hotline (https://www.ey.com/en_gl/ey-ethics-hotline).
We wish you all the best for your future career.
