44 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
44 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,3 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
39 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil vervollständigen44 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,3 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
39 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
1. Productive and positive cross team communication/collaboration
2. Interesting and meaningful product
3. Positive company vibe
4. Benefits
Challenges in the finance team:
Navigating Micromanagement:
• The activities/meetings that were meant to foster team collaboration and align on the key priorities, became daily reporting meetings on even the smallest thing. That was extremely demotivating and this exceptionally demanding workload significantly impacted my mental well-being and highly contributed to burn out.
Structural Inefficiencies and unhealthy team environment:
• The expectations set were disproportionately biased and swiftly changing from week to week. That hindered ability to understand my performance objectively and made me feel frequently unsafe at work and regarding my future in the team.
Limited Growth Prospects:
• Despite my dedicated commitment to responsibilities, growth opportunities have been limited due to ongoing skepticism from manager regarding the scope of my expertise and contributions. The everyday non-verbal and episodically verbal “I do not trust you” message had detrimental effect on my confidence and professional capacity during employment.
Prioritising a professional and positive work environment is crucial. However, until substantial leadership issues within the finance team are addressed, the team's ability to thrive and innovate finance processes will remain hindered, potentially leading to further reduction of retention of finance professionals joining the finance team in the future.
Tasks were extremely tedious, with feeling of working in silos
- Benefits
- flexible Arbeitszeiten
- Home-Office
- 60 Tage Arbeiten aus dem Ausland
- spannendes Produkt
- diverse Belegschaft
- Kommunikation und Transparenz könnte besser sein
- Prozesse könnten smoother und geregelter sein
… aber auch irgendwie typische potentials of Growth für Start-ups :)
Well-balanced team, thriving Company, nice purpose, a great product at the right time! All in all a very good employer!
For me, there were no "bad" things, just things to improve but hey, who´s perfect?
Some decisions need too much time because there are too many people (often also C-level) involved. Could be way more efficient if the teams would have more power to decide and execute! Sometimes too many top-down decisions without listening to the people who are responsible for the topic. Also, the patience of some C-level members should be improved before !!! That was it :)
as it is related to health and the fact that we help people to get healthier the image is really good :)
I was always able to work from home when I wanted and got a vacation when wanted. Also for families and the fact that it is sometimes tricky with kids they found solutions (e.g. childcare in the office)
There´s a budget you can spend on!
Fair paid and a nice benefit model (private insurance, Humanoo is partly paying for transport, wifi@home, food. And there are a lot more initiatives!
Hard to measure, because there are not many old colleagues!
Flat hierarchies are lived, but of course, no one is perfect. But
As in every other company, there's always something to adjust and improve. But there is a huge will to make things better
Equal rights are totally respected from my perspective
Definitely most of the time, but every job got tasks you like and tasks you don´t like :)
No free decision about home office.
Time tracking is rare for a start up. Overtime compensated.
Further education gets no support.
Cross department spirit is good.
Goals can change from day to day and are often sales driven and not based on a strategy.
C-Level decides top down, no matter the arguments or the position.
C-Level is German only.
overtime is your shortcoming
Empty promises
Typical Berlin Startup with Twentysomethings
I can count several meetings where I was utterly shocked how my manager was acting.
C-Level is 100% top down, no trust in Heads, no rolemodels
Ich arbeite in einem jungen, engagierten Team, in dem ich viel lerne! Humanoo ist sehr international und es ist schön, Teil dieser erfolgreichen und inspirierenden Gruppe zu sein! Ich habe wirklich tolle Vorgesetzte, die das Beste ihrer Mitarbeiter im Sinne haben!
Wie die mit Corona umgehen
Team-Spirit! :-)
Ruhe am Wochenende - sehr wichtig!!
Hier gibt's noch ein wenig Luft nach oben.
Siehe: Arbeitsatmosphäre
Sehr buntes Team
n/a - left the company early February 2020.
Made lots of friends here! Could do with more team events, though. Loved the rooftop BBQs!!
Weekends off, sometimes we have a bit of stress because we need to release something in time, but this is normal.
It’s hard to see a long-term career path here, the company is still too small.
Hmm not sure if this is even a priority for HUMANOO right now :)
No complaints!
Management is respectful, but sometimes a bit stressed-out. Again, normal in a startup. I would have liked more one-on-one chats. Otherwise: Nice guys!
Everyone is friendly and respectful, but communication between departments could still be improved. This is normal for every startup.
Big plus: Lots of women in the workforce.
Neglecting each employee's situation
Stop putting people in danger of infection by sending them to the confined office when the task can be done remotely
- no small talk
- time tracking: login and logout required for small breaks such as coffee, tea, cigarette
- career outlook doesn't exist
- performance is evaluated by subjective opinions without a clear measure.
- home office is only allowed upon approval of manager
- lack of team event
each individual works and supports one another as a team.
- rigid hierarchy
- no autonomy
- feedback is ignored
- micromanaging
- confined office space
- inappropriate communication
- collective decision making doesn't exists
Jeden Tag macht spaß.
Top: Abends und am Wochenende braucht man sich kein Kopf zu machen.
Hier gibt's noch ein wenig Luft nach oben.
Herrlich buntes Team
Manchmal so, manchmal so :)
So verdient kununu Geld.