fme AG, best place to work at!
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
The openess. You can walk in to CEO and talk, he will lissen. All colleagues with some kind of bonus are evaluated on the same goal, the % on the surplus. So we are always happy to help each other and no envy is to be felt. That realy helps to keep employees and to keep the moral up.
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
We have an ongoing improvement and open discussoins about strategy, products used, proposed extras for the colleagues. So we experience improvements all the time.
Over our Jive-Social Colaboration tool, we know what is happening and we can comment on everything from colleagues till management. Very open communication.
Became a 5 star from a 4 once the social collaboration tool was introduced.
Massage on working hours, and much more... All you need is provided.
We are one team, only together we can reach goals and move forward. Discussions on eye level, independent of grade and position.
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
fme employes older colleagues as well.
Last thing was to introduce water from modern carbonate and filter mashines, rather than plastic bottles. Just to mention one thing.
The company pay extra to your Riester if you save in one of the proposed funds.
Be brave and try, even if it doesn´t work.