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Great opportunity for personal development, flat hierachies, own responsibilities and flexible working times.

Werkstudent/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Vertrieb / Verkauf gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

I appreciated the participation at a coaching event. It enables personal growth and team building as well. Home Office, flexibility regarding working time and working place are perfect for me.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

See the things I'd improve above.


Some structures could be simplified to make the workflow easier/ shorter for us and the customer.


Due to own responsibility and a large decision-making authority in managing nearly all types of processes regarding the project, I enjoy working with customers and suppliers. Home office in combination with BYOD and video calls when necessary creates an atmosphere that suits my needs very well.


There is nothing to complain about. I receive all the information I need to do my work and to interact with all stakeholders.


Most of my time I work from home. But when we meet in person I really enjoy spending time with all the colleagues. Collaboration and having a drink after work is always a pleasure for me.


Responsibilites and large freedoms regarding home office and decision making gives me the chance to choose when I work. But sometimes those freedoms and responsibilites require to work when it's urgently needed as well. This is totally fine for me as the work-life-balance is in my responsibility.


We discuss about how to reach our goals and adjust the strategy if necessary. In this process my feedback is heard and taken into consideration for new strategies as well. I feel myself and my work respected and appreciated.

Interessante Aufgaben

The project is super interesting and it gives me great chances for personal development. Sometimes the workload is quite high and I could need support. Mostly, there is always somebody there to help me. As tasks will increase, permanent support would be nice. Some structures could be improved between departments to improve quality.


Never had the feeling there might be a difference in team members regarding gender or any further criteria.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

It's a young team with people who stayed young as well. Lunch breaks and after work times can be fun.


WeWork offers everything you need. BYOD is giving me the opportunity to work with what I prefer most. For being in contact with customer on the phone, a working phone would be helpful.


I'm happy and thankful.


Still a young company evolving and following it's way in a tough 2020.


The clients are interesting and it might be helpful for personal development to collaborate with them closely.

