8 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
8 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,6 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
7 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil einrichten8 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,6 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
7 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Honestly, get rid of the C level and replace them with someone competent and can listen to feedback without their ego getting in the way.
Overall the teams are depressed by the current management. All the talk is about how we have to get profitable and that is why we need to save money wherever we can. And if you don't believe, then you know where the door is. The there is no respect for past achievements.
No budget for training.
German colleagues that leave, will be replaced by French people only.
The company cuts everything that is not on a tree at three. Salaries were not increased, even when inflation was high. Once we have one month of profitability, then we can look at the salaries. The logic still escapes me.
Directl managers and team leads do their best. C level is catastrophic.
In Berlin there is only the wework with 25 seats for 200 colleagues. Effectively you have to work from home most of the time. IT is superb.
In the monthly town halls, management celebrates achievements and that we are on track to profitability. But if you take a look at the numbers you can see that this is short sighted.
Also the communication regarding changes or plans is non existing which leaves everyone confused and adds even more work.
In my opinion, the plan is to close the berlin office in the medium term. No one is saying it, but everything looks like it (Germans are replaced by French only, no more vacancies in Germany, everything important gets shifted to Paris)
Honestly, which company still lacks here?
Right now there are some interesting tasks ahead. But with the voluntary leave program and headcount reduction, it leaves less time to do things right and makes you play firefighter more and more
Kritikfähig. Enormes Potential für die Mitarbeiter und Mitarbeiterinnen
the product is great - I can identify with the goals and want to grow with the team
i know about the value of honest feedback - honestly there is nothing i don't like here
don't change a hair for me - not if you care for me
It's simply amazing, I enjoy the professional climate. I am surrounded by awsm girls & guys that share the same goals. We work together to build this dream. PLUS - we have 2 beautiful chilled dogs
do you know elvis ? well i would say free2move is the king of carsharing.
I can't tell you the right ballance, that is up to you. I love to work and push. Working here is fantastic because we have so many team activities that it feels a lot that you spend this time with friends. imagine you and your buddies have the idea for a startup and everyone wants to support that. You cheer up with them and to make this company great with them you do as good as you can. The motivation to do great is a 5 STAR rating in every Question. This place is magic!
the sky has no limit ;)
my colleagues are #super #happy
I'm #super #happy
it's the first time that i have the chance to really have an impact to reduce my footprint - making this app big means to reduce CO2 Emissions from Fuel Combustion on a international scale
Teamwork ? say no more ... it's a dream to work here
that is not even a topic - you are so young as you feel.
Your colleagues treat you with heart and respect.
if you need something to do the best you can - you find comfort in the support when you just ask :)
Meeting culture : short effective - based on followups & an agenda
just go to your colleagues desk - talk with them directly if you have an idea or question
call me optimist but that's the tone of voice here at free2move
treat everyone as you want to be treated
The product is modern, we are the first company that is focussed to combine all Carsharing provider in one App. The amount of creativity that i can put into this work is growing with the markets that we enter.
sehr gutes "Onboarding"
freundliches Team
offen für Verbesserungen und Kollegen nehmen sich Zeit und hören!
gute Atmosphäre
derzeit keine Verbesserungsvorschläge.
tolles Produkt, junges internationales team, aktiv am Produkt mitwirken, viele Team-Events, Meinungen der Mitarbeiter sind wichtig, es wird viel Wert auf die gute Atmosphäre im Team gelegt.
Manchmal dauern Entscheidungen trotz Startup Atmosphäre zu lange - aber das ist Meckern auf hohem Niveau :D
Voll und ganz zufrieden :)
Tolles internationales und junges Team, Kreativität und Ideen werden durch Free2Move Days gefördert, Nutzung von allen Carsharing Providern inklusive
Sobald wir ein neues Büro haben gibt es 5 Sterne
Es wird wirklich auf die Bedürfnisse der Mitarbeiter geachtet. Man ist sehr flexibel mit Arztterminen etc. Solange man es rechtzeitig anmeldet, ist es kein Problem.
Wie bei Arbeitsatmosphäre, bis auf die aktuelle Bürosituation ist alles super
viel Freiraum, die richtige Lösungen zu finden
gute Zusammenarbeit aller Mitarbeiter und Abteilungen
interessantes Produkt, das einem kreative Lösungen abverlangt
sehr gute Einarbeitung neuer Kollegen
sehr transparente Information, wo es hingeht und warum
das aktuelle Büro ist nicht ideal, aber wir ziehen bald um