28 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
28 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,8 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
21 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
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Jetzt Profil vervollständigen28 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,8 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
21 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
super Umfeld, sehr freundschaftliches Miteinander
In terms of career, there is paths defined. Once you are senior, you reached your peak (and you can become senior in 02 years).
Nice compensation, especially bonus.
Neutral. There is no initiative regrading that.
There are no old people.
Amazing, home office full time is possible.
German speakers tend to be receive more opportunities among recruiters.
Very limited tasks, mostly sourcing and interviewing.
I like that I am given the freedom to express, to grow and to have an open communication. This is always a personal factor or the mindset factor. I know what is expected from me and I have the right tools, right motivation and right information to deliver. As mentioned earlier if I work in Talent Acquisition and want to know what my Team Leads or MDs discussing in different division that do not add value until I'm part of contributing to this particular division.
Its very important that we hire the right mindset, rather than the skills. Skills can always be developed. The uncertainty do persist due to the industry we are in but don't worry we are in this together to give the best short.
We have implemented Leapsome tool where give anonymous feedback on what is going well and what needs improvement. working here I have seen improvements where things were not that clear in an early stage. Constant improvement is what I see and please continue in doing so. Can't make everyone happy every time.
Encouraging environment. I was given enough time to excel. The team trusts your contributions. Even if you come with a random idea they will look into how we could develop or implement.
We need to accept that we are service based company, we depend on how VW doing, expect that some stakeholders will see you as a crucial part of their hiring, while others could only see you as an agency.
I am happy with my Work-Life- Balance. I just need to update my team lead if I have any personal work during my working hours and can cover it in the next days. Happy that I could plan with my stakeholders by when I can deliver.
There is budget where you can take-up courses. Language, Technical development.
I love my colleagues. Always there to motivate, to share knowledge and for a good laugh. This implies both sides on how much each of them want to interact.
Age range in this company is between 20 - 50
Team leads are always encouraging, willing to listen and most important they have your back. there is noting like favouritism or biased, you just focus on your personal delivery, even they take criticism as a measure to improve.
I'm always given the required communication so that I can focus on my tasks. As we work with VW and right now automotive industry is under turbulence, either our clients or management might not be in a situation to give a blueprint of where we will stand. This is understandable. I am not worried about why I was not communicated about what the MDs are having for breakfast, as my job is to get my tasks done.
Apart from your daily task you have opportunity to contribute and take-up new interesting tasks as well. Example: BD (we are developing new cliental) every idea is important, CRM, Marketing or Internal knowledge presentation, Health Hackers Newsletter.
I have always gotten green light to do whatever I wanted to. I want to go to a fair, a networking event, buy a book, try to change something in my team, try a different strategy with a search or a client, everyone is always up for it. The idea is to always allow people to try what they want to try, and in the worst case if fails fast and we try something else instead.
It's a start-up, so all the flexibility and freedom that comes with it means that if you like very structured and slow-paced environments, it might not be for you. It's faced pace, people are witty and committed, and no one is just coasting along.
Good working spirit, collaborative. We work target based and get paid on commission. Very remote based, and possibility to work for long periods of time abroad from certain countries (incl. most of Europe). Very fun when we all get together for onsite and offsite events, approx. 1 week per quarter.
We work for commission, so of course the more you work the more you earn, which can impact you work-life balance but it's up to you to stay in touch with it. Some team leads will also push you to take a break if they feel you are pushing to hard, and "health comes first" is a sentence that is often said. Some employees have started an health focused newsletter, with some nice tips, best practices around health and relaxation, etc.
It's challenging in the current market as everyone is trying to stay competitive, but the same goes for all start-ups right now, a lot of us are going the extra mile, it's part of the game.
It's a small company, so at the start-up level the development options are not huge, but it's also potentially a way into the Volkswagen brands that are our clients.
Super good team spirit. People help each other a lot, even through difficult and challenging times
Most of the team is in their 20's and 30's, with a few more people in their 40's and 50's.
Managers are supportive and do their best to keep everybody motivated. Every success is celebrated at team level and company level. Everybody is aware recruiting is a hard job, so our People Manager has also brought some best practices to the team leads, giving workshops on the Culture Map and Radical Candor, improving the feedback culture even further. In general, our People Management team is always pushing for empathetic leadership and helping promote a warm and accepting atmosphere and the management team has responded well to it, as well as the team.
allows for lots of remote working, which is the priority for me. Also working from abroad. voucher allowances every month at different providers (Rossman, Adidas.....) for the Germany based employees.
As transparent as could be, we are close to our direct managers and can easily bring issues to them. They usually look for creative ways to solve them, and if they cannot act upon something, they also often state it clearly. It's a start-up so the hierarchy is super flat. One of the managing directors presents the financials health of the company to the whole round every 2 weeks.
It's at the conjunction of 2 very interesting markets, the automobile industry and IT. More recently, hardware topics like semi-conductors and battery/electric vehicle topics have also been added. We are always involved with super innovative technologies, managers and candidates who are experts in their fields, so if you're into that, it's super motivating.
You get to speak to a wide range of very interesting topic, and the target based rewards keep you motivated.
The vibes in Berlin are cool.
Communication, clear preferences of specific employees, and unfair treatment.
More experienced and unbiased Managing Directors would solve many problems.
If you work remotely you have none. The company is actually not doing well, even though externally it's maintaining a cool image.
There's a balance as long as you deliver above average and the Managing Directors are happy with you.
Last year we talked more about this and actually did something, not anymore.
You get promoted only if you ask, push for it, and fight that you deserve something. Nobody will recognize you for what you're doing or mention that you're doing a good job. There's a budget nobody knows how to use.
Colleagues bond of course and form little groups of friendships that revolve around gossiping and talking about what's going on at the company and what upsets them.
No older colleagues and not many with families or kids.
Some other (more honest) reviews have said it well, one of the Directors does not seem to be sure of anything and the other is very full of himself.
If you work in Berlin and come to the office it's great, otherwise - not.
The information is predominantly shared only with those directly related to the managing team or those who speak often with the Managing Directors. If not, you won't know anything and your lead will only communicate the bare minimum.
It's ok but many are underpaid.
Same treatment here, if you're important and work directly with the Managing Directors you are respected and your salary will be fair, otherwise - not.
The tasks are interesting at the beginning but then all turns into "bring more money".
I appreciate being part of Futurepath mainly because of our fantastic team. The support and engagement within our group clearly reflect our genuine passion for the work we do. Additionally, the transparency demonstrated by the manager directors. It's important to note that we are also proactive in recognizing areas where improvement is needed, fostering a culture of feedback within our team.
To foster a more diverse workforce, considering the inclusion of older colleagues could bring valuable perspectives to the team.
It would be beneficial to consider allocating a budget to enhance the overall remote working setups for improved productivity and comfort.
Having had a volunteer event before, perhaps we could consider encouraging a regular volunteer day.
I am happy to be part of a work environment that has such a supportive and collaborative team spirit. The open communication makes it easy for us to seek assistance, ask questions, and share ideas. One important aspect is the encouragement to have one-on-one discussions with superiors, who are approachable and committed to individual concerns.
Our team meetings are not just about updates; they are opportunities for celebration and recognition. Implementing leapsome has also added a structured and efficient way to acknowledge achievements and praise individuals.
There's no micromanaging and no blame game, the focus is on trust and collective problem-solving.
The flexible working hours greatly support work-life balance, allowing for personal activities without feeling pressured. The company recognizes that employees may not always be at their peak performance and is understanding in such situations.
We have a budget dedicated to continuing education, although not everyone utilizes it. Our team leads and HR consistently encourage us to take advantage of this resource. Additionally, we regularly participate in interesting workshops, with at least one session held every quarter.
We don't discuss this often since it's not directly related to our work. However, it could be beneficial to talk about it from time to time. While we already recycle, there are instances of items being placed in the wrong bins.
I really appreciate the team spirit at Futurepath. Even though recruitment is often seen as an individual task, here we collaborate on our mission. My colleagues are approachable, making sure everyone, including remote workers, feels like they truly belong at Futurepath.
While our older colleagues are treated equally, it's worth noting that our team is predominantly under 40.
Our office is well-equipped with quality chairs, monitors, and the option for standing desks. While we have colleagues working fully remote, the current support for remote setups is limited to monitors, mice, and headsets.
We have regular meetings where they break down what's happening in all departments in a way that everyone can understand, keeping everyone in the loop.
We don't just cheer for individual successes; we celebrate the wins of the whole company as they also inform us about profits and overall results.
The communication is straightforward. The Manager Directors and team leads are transparent, they don't hide the good or bad news; they tell us what's going on. This openness helps us all stay on the same page.
I appreciate the proactive approach to task assignments, where discussions precede any new responsibilities. We are encouraged to take the initiative on projects we believe will contribute positively to Futurepath.
so viel politik im team, wachsen lernen und wachsen ist echt weniger.
Die gestellten Aufgaben sind unrealistisch und die Teams sind so aufgeteilt, dass sie keinen Spielraum für Teamarbeit oder Gespräche mit Kollegen haben.
Love our updates and calls, I always feel like I'm reminded of things and made aware.
As an agile startup, we do act quickly and approach things on the go. Sometimes it's good and sometimes it gets stressful but I'm sure the managing team is working more on strategy and plans to make it as organized and easy flowing as possible.
Great atmosphere, people really work together and have fun together.
This year (keep in mind Futurepath is 2 years old) we've received so many new benefits, offers, opportunities, and other perks such as corporate benefits, Belonio, Job Lunch, language classes, and more. Also we've been having more events, onsite weeks and get togethers.
As in every startup sometimes it feels like work and tasks never end and that is something I personally need to improve and stop checking Slack and email after working hours.
It is in place but the process is not the easiest, however, it's being worked on and improved. You can't build Rome in one day!
We try to not use any single-use plastic, recycle as much as we can, have many plants in the office, and don't promote the printing of papers and waste of any materials. Plus Futurepath is involved is several volunteering and donations which is always highly respectable.
Everyone is very open, friendly and supportive.
We're quite a young team but everyone blends very well and the cultural fit has been massively improved this year. You can really tell all the people are part of the same team.
Managing Directors actually listen to the input and employees' problems. We're constantly asked for feedback, questions, and opinions. Plus we have been having regular retrospectives and employee surveys which are always answered and approached when it's constructive and clear.
I have everything I need to perform my job (and if I didn't I could always ask and get the support I need).
Communication works both ways so I believe it's good but can always be more clear and up-to-date.
I enjoy my job and tasks + I always have an opportunity to point out what I'd like to do/improve and other initiatives I can get involved it.
See comments above
The Managing Directors understand where we can / need to improve and I see how they're shaping plans for next year. They 'simply' need to focus on delivering those plans, turning words into actions. This is where I have seen many other leaders fall short. I am confident that we've got a good year ahead of us.
We're a young, dynamic, diverse and highly collaborative team (I know that's a lot of adjectives, but true!). From day 1, our Managing Directors as well as my colleagues have been incredibly supportive, allowing me to swiftly settle despite working remotely most of the time. What I enjoy most is the positive attitude of my colleagues, which is rather contagious, as well as their open mind. They curiously ask questions, share their thoughts and feedback (both positive and constructive), which shows to me that we operate in a safe space. It's very refreshing, in particular if you've previously been working in political environments.
We have super flexible working arrangements. Neither my hours are tracked, nor do I get funny looks when I am out of office for an hour or two in the middle of the day, provided I make up for them. I can fit work around my personal needs. Having said that, we're working in a scaling start-up and my personal drive to do well leads me to work 'extra hours' here and there. From my point of view, this is normal in such a working environment. We're not in public services after all. In a start-up there's always seemingly more work than people. So the art is to find the right pace for you and learn to say 'no'. For me it works just fine now.
The business is very young and therefore, we have room to improve here. We're about to enter our 3rd year - this is where we are growing our People & Culture team. As of today, we have budget set aside for training, but the onus is very much on the employee to find the most suitable training for him/herself. We also drive some internal training efforts, where collleagues deliver training to their peers. We'll continue to do so next year, but aim to increase the frequency. In 2023, our aim is to introduce online learning platforms and external-led trainings for our teams. Plan is to tailor these to career paths, which we are also in the process of updating / refining.
There's nothing but positive impressions from my end. At no point in time, have I ever been blocked in my work due to my colleagues not collaborating or not communicating, despite working remotely. In fact, I was quite concerned about this when joining, but the worries faded as I joined. I sense that colleagues within and across teams work well with one another, they treat each other with respect and as we're steadily introducing more cross-team processes, we'll work together more effectively.
If we did have a larger no. of older colleagues, I am sure we would treat them appropriately.
"Refreshing" to put it in one word. Our Managing Directors invest a lot of time in listening to our people, taking onboard their thoughts to improve and grow the company. They understand that running a business is all about leading people - trusting your people, respecting them and guiding them. In fact, I feel like I've been entrusted to do my work from pretty much day 1. Both are also very hands on, getting involved in the day-to-day, simply because of ever increasing demand for our services. Again, this is very refreshing, as it gives them a sense of the day to day operations and challenges their teams face. In terms of agreeing my scope of work and priorities - it's a two-way conversation. There's stuff that simply needs to get done, other things I can pick and chose in line with my interests. Both give feedback to improve my work - again, that is very refreshing and helps me grow.
We've got a spacious HQ in Berlin, though I am rarely there. We're got some office gimmicks, like table tennis, darts and sofas. What's best is the fully stocked kitchen - drinks (incl. alcoholic) and breakfast food! In terms of equipment, I have all that I need.
There's a range of efforts undertaken to communicate to employees - biweekly company updates, quartlerly all-hands meetings and onsite weeks (where we all work in our HQ), employee surveys and retrospectives and so much more. Why don't I rate a 5/5? Simple - we're yet to implement a company-wide wiki to improve information-sharing (planned for 2023).
I've negotiated my pay (as everyone should), so I have no reason to complain. We've got 30 days holidays and we're about to introduce a new benefits platform, where employees get vouchers to spend on a whole range of retailers. It works fine for me, as I have no special needs.
More than 70% of us are women. We come from 17 different countries.
The nature of my role is to work across all areas of the business, so there never is a dull moment.
- The emphasis is on people and honest communication, including criticism, is genuinely valued
- You can evolve in a safe environment
- Your team will always have your back, even if you messed up
- There are some small points of criticism, but nothing that I would really consider "bad". Merely some potential for improvement.
- Streamline and improve communication flows
- Create process flows, challenge them and work on interface coordination
The team is awesome and everyone stands together. If you need something you can always ask your colleagues and they will make every effort to help, regardless of hierarchical level or department.
Depends strongly on the target group and their attitude towards the joint venture partners.
Of course, there is a lot to do, but the management pays attention to its employees, takes notice when it gets too much and actively takes action to (re)establish a healthy balance. You can always go to your manager and discuss the workload without getting a "you need to prioritize better" BS response by default.
Futurepath supports the employees with training costs. Employees are actively encouraged to continue their education and growth.
The salary is reasonable, of course on a start-up level, but the management makes every effort to provide benefits for the employees. In addition, a voluntary corona bonus was granted to make employees' lives a little easier.
The trash is recycled, but I don't have enough knowledge about other aspects.
A bunch of great people who even like to hang out at off-hours from time to time.
Mostly a very young team with no one over 40. It would be nice if the team was more diverse in age since I think this could add some "grounding" .
Amazing! If you have something on your mind bothering you: Just have an honest talk with the MDs and they will do their best to support you
You can choose to work from home or from the office. The office is very well equipped, including a great kitchen with snacks and a fancy coffee machine.
Sometimes a bit chaotic but in the end the message always reaches the right person.
Everyone is respected for who they are and given the same opportunities to grow and develop.
There are plenty of interesting tasks and you have the possibility to set up processes without being fearful of making mistakes. You are allowed to fail, learn from it and evolve.
So verdient kununu Geld.