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kununu Score30 Bewertungen
WeiterempfehlungLetzte 2 Jahre
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    • 3,4Gehalt/Sozialleistungen
    • 3,8Image
    • 3,3Karriere/Weiterbildung
    • 4,0Arbeitsatmosphäre
    • 3,5Kommunikation
    • 4,4Kollegenzusammenhalt
    • 3,7Work-Life-Balance
    • 3,7Vorgesetztenverhalten
    • 3,9Interessante Aufgaben
    • 4,0Arbeitsbedingungen
    • 3,4Umwelt-/Sozialbewusstsein
    • 4,1Gleichberechtigung
    • 4,0Umgang mit älteren Kollegen



Branchendurchschnitt: Personalwesen & -beschaffung

Mitarbeiter nehmen bei diesem Arbeitgeber vor allem diese Faktoren wahr: Kooperieren und Kollegen helfen.

Die vier Dimensionen von Unternehmenskultur

JobFür mich
Branchendurchschnitt: Personalwesen & -beschaffung
Unternehmenskultur entdecken


Die folgenden Benefits wurden am häufigsten in den Bewertungen von 28 Mitarbeitern bestätigt.

  • HomeofficeHomeoffice
  • Mitarbeiter-EventsMitarbeiter-Events
  • Flexible ArbeitszeitenFlexible Arbeitszeiten
  • Hund erlaubtHund erlaubt
  • RabatteRabatte
  • InternetnutzungInternetnutzung
  • DiensthandyDiensthandy
  • Gute VerkehrsanbindungGute Verkehrsanbindung
  • EssenszulageEssenszulage
  • CoachingCoaching
  • BarrierefreiBarrierefrei
  • Mitarbeiter-BeteiligungMitarbeiter-Beteiligung
  • KantineKantine
  • Gesundheits-MaßnahmenGesundheits-Maßnahmen

Arbeitgeber stellen sich vorAnzeige

Was Mitarbeiter sagen

Was Mitarbeiter gut finden

super Umfeld, sehr freundschaftliches Miteinander
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I like that I am given the freedom to express, to grow and to have an open communication. This is always a personal factor or the mindset factor. I know what is expected from me and I have the right tools, right motivation and right information to deliver. As mentioned earlier if I work in Talent Acquisition and want to know what my Team Leads or MDs discussing in different division that do not add value until I'm part of ...
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I appreciate being part of Futurepath mainly because of our fantastic team. The support and engagement within our group clearly reflect our genuine passion for the work we do. Additionally, the transparency demonstrated by the manager directors. It's important to note that we are also proactive in recognizing areas where improvement is needed, fostering a culture of feedback within our team.
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I have always gotten green light to do whatever I wanted to. I want to go to a fair, a networking event, buy a book, try to change something in my team, try a different strategy with a search or a client, everyone is always up for it. The idea is to always allow people to try what they want to try, and in the worst case if fails fast and we try something else instead.
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Was Mitarbeiter noch gut finden?

Was Mitarbeiter schlecht finden

Communication, clear preferences of specific employees, and unfair treatment.
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It's a start-up, so all the flexibility and freedom that comes with it means that if you like very structured and slow-paced environments, it might not be for you. It's faced pace, people are witty and committed, and no one is just coasting along.
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As an agile startup, we do act quickly and approach things on the go. Sometimes it's good and sometimes it gets stressful but I'm sure the managing team is working more on strategy and plans to make it as organized and easy flowing as possible.
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Its very important that we hire the right mindset, rather than the skills. Skills can always be developed. The uncertainty do persist due to the industry we are in but don't worry we are in this together to give the best short.
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- There are some small points of criticism, but nothing that I would really consider "bad". Merely some potential for improvement.
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Was Mitarbeiter noch schlecht finden?


To foster a more diverse workforce, considering the inclusion of older colleagues could bring valuable perspectives to the team.
It would be beneficial to consider allocating a budget to enhance the overall remote working setups for improved productivity and comfort.
Having had a volunteer event before, perhaps we could consider encouraging a regular volunteer day.
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We have implemented Leapsome tool where give anonymous feedback on what is going well and what needs improvement. working here I have seen improvements where things were not that clear in an early stage. Constant improvement is what I see and please continue in doing so. Can't make everyone happy every time.
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More experienced and unbiased Managing Directors would solve many problems.
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The Managing Directors understand where we can / need to improve and I see how they're shaping plans for next year. They 'simply' need to focus on delivering those plans, turning words into actions. This is where I have seen many other leaders fall short. I am confident that we've got a good year ahead of us.
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To have a transparent salary structure, a more organized place for the company's internal documentation, and more training for the employees (with external vendors, we have plenty of internal training).
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Was Mitarbeiter noch vorschlagen?

Bester und schlechtester Faktor

Am besten bewertet: Kollegenzusammenhalt


Der am besten bewertete Faktor von Futurepath ist Kollegenzusammenhalt mit 4,4 Punkten (basierend auf 11 Bewertungen).

I really appreciate the team spirit at Futurepath. Even though recruitment is often seen as an individual task, here we collaborate on our mission. My colleagues are approachable, making sure everyone, including remote workers, feels like they truly belong at Futurepath.
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I love my colleagues. Always there to motivate, to share knowledge and for a good laugh. This implies both sides on how much each of them want to interact.
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Colleagues bond of course and form little groups of friendships that revolve around gossiping and talking about what's going on at the company and what upsets them.
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Super good team spirit. People help each other a lot, even through difficult and challenging times
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There are plenty of events, online and onsite. The happy hours are encouraged, and I feel supported by my leader and colleagues.
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Was Mitarbeiter noch über Kollegenzusammenhalt sagen?

Am schlechtesten bewertet: Karriere/Weiterbildung


Der am schlechtesten bewertete Faktor von Futurepath ist Karriere/Weiterbildung mit 3,3 Punkten (basierend auf 11 Bewertungen).

In terms of career, there is paths defined. Once you are senior, you reached your peak (and you can become senior in 02 years).
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You get promoted only if you ask, push for it, and fight that you deserve something. Nobody will recognize you for what you're doing or mention that you're doing a good job. There's a budget nobody knows how to use.
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It's a small company, so at the start-up level the development options are not huge, but it's also potentially a way into the Volkswagen brands that are our clients.
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The business is very young and therefore, we have room to improve here. We're about to enter our 3rd year - this is where we are growing our People & Culture team. As of today, we have budget set aside for training, but the onus is very much on the employee to find the most suitable training for him/herself. We also drive some internal training efforts, where collleagues deliver training to their peers. We'll continue to do so next year, ...
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so viel politik im team, wachsen lernen und wachsen ist echt weniger.
Die gestellten Aufgaben sind unrealistisch und die Teams sind so aufgeteilt, dass sie keinen Spielraum für Teamarbeit oder Gespräche mit Kollegen haben.
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Was Mitarbeiter noch über Karriere/Weiterbildung sagen?

Fragen zu Bewertungen und Gehältern

  • Futurepath wird als Arbeitgeber von Mitarbeitenden mit durchschnittlich 3,7 von 5 Punkten bewertet. In der Branche Personalwesen & -beschaffung schneidet Futurepath schlechter ab als der Durchschnitt (3,8 Punkte). Basierend auf den Bewertungen der letzten 2 Jahre würden 75% der Mitarbeitenden Futurepath als Arbeitgeber weiterempfehlen.
  • Anhand von insgesamt 30 Bewertungen schätzen 63% ihr Gehalt und die Sozialleistungen als gut oder sehr gut ein.
  • Basierend auf Daten aus 16 Kultur-Bewertungen betrachten die Mitarbeitenden die Unternehmenskultur bei Futurepath als eher modern.