Fun young company
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Very fun friendly atmosphere very start up feeling and everyone will help you overall I really have loved working here
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Leveling and salary need to be looked at closer and improved, people shouldn’t have to ask for a promotion when clearly they do a much higher level job then you hired them at be more transparent when hiring people so they are aware of this.
Make the leveling better so people are being paid for the level work they are doing
All the colleagues are super nice
communication isn’t structured at all
You can do home office if you need to get something done they are super understanding you also work on your own schedule
For me personally my manager is amazing he always trusts I will get my stuff done so I have a lot of freedom in that sense
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
Everyone is willing to help
Free coffee table tennis etc
Colleagues hang out with each other quite often
Salary is quite uncompetitive as well as you have a lot of people which are being paid as a junior yet they do a senior level job which isnt fair
Image is quite good very fun and start upy