Low pay, dissatisfaction and lack of professional development perspectives
Most employees work remotely, in many cases team leaders are hardly ever seen and have no concept of team integration and leadership of virtual teams.
Top down communication and lack of opportunity to voice criticism. Company leadership seems unwilling to attend to workers concerns.
Colleagues were frustrated at the lack of personal career development opportunities and lack of salary hikes. High fluctuation of staff and strange personnel decisions leave employees feeling demotivated, under- appreciated and isolated.
As the company seems unwilling to invest in their staff positions remain unfilled on purpose and the work load is shifted on to a few people which has prompted, in cases whole departments many to resign recently.
Leadership style is ad hoc and at times bully-ish as leadership is not held to adhere to any standards. Cases exist where employees got bullied to resign.
Women are overrepresented and underpaid. Part time work is under-appreciated with a lack of opportunities for young mothers. Most leadership jobs are given to men.
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
The company does not value achievements of long term employees and operates as though every employee is replaceable. The lack of salary hikes are a case in point.
No return policy from COVID lock down has been developed, people are not required to come to the office and no concept to facilitate virtual team building is in place.
The company has no social conscience whatsoever, which is reflected in their personnel decisions and most recently by the exclusion of certain staff from the inflation payment.
Under average pay
No opportunities for professional development within the company. No career paths exist.