Hands off - sinking ship!
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Currently nothing. Former Meelogic was an awesome place to work. After GlobalLogic took over it's a constant decline. We are no longer working customers. We are working processes now.
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
They bought a working company only to reach a certain revenue goal (Meelogic was not the only company that was acquired) to then be able to be bought by Hitachi themselves. No one cared about integration and least of all the employees.
It do not think there is anything left to save...
Since former Meelogic leading Manager was kicked in September this company is done in my eyes.
literally not existing
Former Meelogic colleagues are great. Current developments are none of their fault. I hope the best for everyone.
last six months were a burden
What's left of former Meelogic managers are doing their best of holding the company together. But it is a fight against windmills.
worst I've ever seen. Millions of processes not making any sense. But no training! You'll have to find out yourself how it works. Tools are a nightmare. Oracle databases from the 90s.
Lots of people are leaving. Suddenly you find yourself doing their tasks on top. Without anyone asking or any compensation.
I don't think there is one
run while you can