18 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
18 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 1,8 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
2 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil einrichten18 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 1,8 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
2 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
This company's culture is truly toxic. Senior leaders from China have no idea how to manage a European company; they are still trying to use the military-style methods from China to manage European employees. If employees voice opposition, they face the possibility of being fired. Last year, the company dismissed many employees without giving any reasons. The colleague who sat next to you yesterday might not be there the next day. What a horror.
There are actually some capable and willing employees in the company, but the recognition given to these capable employees is extremely low. Instead, those who constantly flatter and surround the leaders are favored and promoted. Such a corporate culture is utterly nauseating. Many excellent employees have chosen to resign because of this. Happy for them because they don’t have to endure this anymore. The good people have left, while the flatterers remain.
Suggesting improvements is meaningless because nobody cares about your opinions. Those who used to provide feedback are gradually leaving, and no one else will speak up anymore.
Forget work-life balance..
Only some Europeans are good but most of them left already
Chinese and some Europeans e.g. ex-Kia Manager….no words
Get a strategy, get professional and hire real professionals with actual experience in their functions for key positions (HR, Finance, Marketing, Operations)
Very impersonal and basically non-existent. But I also think management truly does not care about it.
Overtime is not expected. Office presence is mandatory.
ok for me
Non existent. Only a lot of egos trying to get the best for themselves. In general bad decision-making ability, no people skills whatsoever. Communication also bad. Some of the European “Management” are second class managers (e.g. from KIA) that were rejected by their ex-employers. Wonder why…
Soulless office space.
Challenging. Chinese management cannot communicate properly in English (beginner level); important communication is done in Chinese. European “Management” have English skills but are also bad in communicating. This might be because they are afraid to reveal their lack of professionalism and business knowledge
Salary is above-average.
In general launching new car brands in Europe can be exciting.
puuh... the basic salary is usually decent.
It is simply no fun to work here. There is no appreciation of the employees. No trust, no transparency, no real long-term strategy. Many political games are played.
Everything needs to be re-checked: Working atmosphere is really bad. Processes are not transparent, slow and inefficient. Company-office is rather boring, no canteen is offered. No trust in employees, e.g. resulting in no option to work remotely.
Significant cultural gap between Chinese and European employees. Lack of strategy, lack of clear goals and targets. No company culture defined, no company values. Company-news only spread via rumors and gossiping, not via official communication.
image is getting worse and worse, due to high employee fluctuation, and constant changes of priorities and strategy.
Working remotely is not allowed. A weekly 5-day office-presence is required. No cultural or team events.
no such thing as employee development
Decent salary, but nothing else.
obeying the basic official laws.
Despite the relatively bad atmosphere, most employees still try to create a good relationship among each other. But there are no company events, no team building actions... nothing.
Decisions are based on political games, not on what would make sense. Relevant cultural gap between Europeans and Chinese.
relatively ugly old offices. Large rooms, without anything fun or fancy. European headquarter has no canteen, no food is offered. Parking spaces are not sufficient. No cultural activities, no "soft benefits". Working remotely is not allowed.
No information shared with normal staff. Each department working in its own "silo", no info sharing. Many political games.
Learning by doing...
Not worth it
Just toxic
Worst company on the planet
Not existent
Not existent
Not existent
Just toxic
Just toxic
Management by terror
low level office and devices
Mostly Chinese or in bad English
Huge clash between Chinese and European colleagues
No budgets, no projects
Kia Leute raus, TOP Management auswechseln. Alte gute Leute zurück holen. Neuanfang.
Ignoranz vom Vorgesätzen, es wird einem ins Gesicht gelogen, vielleicht ist sowas in China gut, hier in der EU leider ist das schwach. Und wenn dann was neg. passiert, wird man angemacht, warum man nichts gemacht hat.
Alles und wirklich alles wird kontrolliert und alles wird hinterfragt. Es liegt ein permanentes Misstrauen in der Luft.
Nur die werden gelobt, die andere Kollegen an die Geschäftsfühung ausliefern. Das haben sie so in China gelernt.
Also wenn bei der Antrittsrede des Presidenten gesagt wird, so lange er hier ist von China, wird es in der EU kein Homeoffice geben...... hier wird man ausgebeutet, bis man krank wird, und dann wird man raus geschmissen. So ergeht es einigen hier.
die Chefs sagen immer es geht weiter, doch lieder nichts dahinter.
leider hier nur 3 Sterne, denn das ist hier eigentlich der Lichtblick. Denn die EU Kollegen untereinander haben sich immer unterstützt, doch leider gibt es jetzt auch Leute die umgefallen sind, und quasi alles aushorchen und an die Chefs weiter geben um dann Leute entlassen zu können. Und ja von Kia kommt leider nichts Gutes
vorne rum hui, hinten herum pfui. Lügen, laute Entgleisungen passen nicht.
Über lange Zeit wird einem wie eine Karotte eine Beförderung vorgehalten. Natürlich muss man dann diese bessere Stelle auch ausfüllen und wird wegen jedem Fehler gerügt. Doch Gehaltlich und offiziell wird man nie befördert.
homeoffice nur auf dem Papier, wenn man es macht, ist man schon unten durch, 0,5 Tage / Woche maximal.
Chinesen untereinander, super. Doch Englisch wird nur gesprochen wenn es sein muss. Immer wenn es schwierig wird, wird mitten im Meeting auf chinesisch weiter gemacht. Und Informationen von China nach Deutschland wird von den Chefs nur sehr gefiltert weiter gegeben.
Ja das Schmerzengeld ist OK, doch leider wird sich daran aber nie was ändern. Gehaltsläufe gibt nicht.
Mann / Frau ja, EU und Chinese leider gar nicht.
Anfangs ja, doch nachdem immer mehr die guten Ansätze der EU Kollegen zu nichte gemacht wurden. Ist man nur dabei Schadensbegrenzung zu betreiben. leider. Die Autos hatten soviel Potential, nur leider alles nun viel zu spät.
It changed a lot so nothing.
Today the hole company and special Higher Management.
Not good and no chance to change anything. The culture is characterized by dis-trust.
There is none. The expectation is to work and no home office day. Contrary the European culture.
no chance only chinese people with good relationships......
GWM need to pay more that employees stay - but most of them left already.
Chinese and attention to the environment - joke.
Only some are close and a team. The most are listeners and reporters.
Only from some teamleads good otherwise people work against employees.
It's horrible.
There is none existing. Management expect to just executing commands.
Great collegues!
The company has flexible working hours.
Overtime hours are not required or required by the company except in exceptional and emergency situations (event, test drive, meetings, etc.)
There are colleagues who are good to each other and ready to help, to work for success, but there are also those who, as in every company, whose attitude is not right.
There is a hierarchy in the company and also older colleagues, who are respected and should be appreciated.
Supervisors try to be available to the team as much as possible.
Regardless of all the troubles and obstacles created by the building where the offices are located, the management and administration department does its best to provide good and pleasant working conditions.
Management is working to establish better communication with all employees than before.
Every employee has equal rights, because it is important to the company that every employee feels healthy, well and comfortable. The company does its best and tries to make it possible.
Easy managemnenbt way to treat people like animals.
YOu destroy your image if you start here and working with Ex Kia "Manager" is worst case Marketing&COO don´t do it!!
No avaiable. work work work and be at your desk.
not good - it makes you sick working for this company.
China and sustainabiity - all a lie.
Only few members are good and work close
Only few are very good but they have been kicked out because they know what to do...
Horrible. No more words
No communication. Just do what your President want.
no way.
Follow your leader - don´t think.
Komplettes top Management austauschen - erst mal einen Kurs in Cultural Exhange belegen
Hier wird wirkliche alles getan für eine schlechte Atmosphäre
Nicht existent
Hier gibt es nur Egoisten, die woanders gescheitert sind
Hier gibt es noch immer alte Denkmuster
So verdient kununu Geld.