6 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
6 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,2 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
3 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil einrichten6 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,2 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
3 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
andere Unternehmensstruktur
Toxische Arbeitsumgebung durch einen narzisstischen Vorgesetzten
Keine Vertretung wenn man ausfällt, sodass man konstant gestresst ist
kein Interesse an der Weiterbildung der Mitarbeiter*innen
Jede*r arbeitet in Isolation an seinem eigenen Projekt, wodurch der Austausch mit Kollegen*innen ebenfalls nicht besonders hilfreich ist.
Der Chef könnte eine der inkompetentesten Führungspersonen sein, die ich je getroffen habe. Es fehlt an Anreizen, in die Mitarbeiter zu investieren, was zu einer sehr hohen Fluktuation führt. Er spricht herablassend über die Mitarbeiter*innen und äußert gelegentlich diskriminierende Bemerkungen.
keine Vertretung wenn man ausfällt. Arbeit kumuliert sich. kein richtiges onboarding. keine Teams. Chef hat oft nicht genug Zeit für Mitarbeiter*innen und verweigert sich eine Struktur aufzubauen, die Unterstützung für Arbeiter*innen befähigt. Man kriegt nicht mal Kaffee oder Tee umsonst. Auch die Kaffeemaschinengeräte werden von Kollegen*innen bereitgestellt.
Die Kommunikation ist äußerst mangelhaft. Der Chef verfügt über wenig Zeit und ein unzureichendes Verständnis dafür, was in den einzelnen Projekten vor sich geht. Es besteht kaum Interesse daran, Projektleiter einzustellen, um die Situation zu ändern. Jede*r arbeitet in Isolation an seinem eigenen Projekt, wodurch der Austausch mit Kollegen*innen ebenfalls nicht besonders hilfreich ist.
Gehaltserhöhung wurde nie ausgezahlt
persönlich keine Ungleichberechtigungen erlebt. Nichtsdestotrotz kein guter Arbeitsgeber.
Projekte sind interessant. Leider kommt man allein nicht allen Aufgaben hinterher
Team meetings on a more regular basis would be good, also regular clear feedback
Days off can be taken individually according to own (project) schedule, own decision.
Very nice, open and international team.
Very young team, but also some older colleagues
High level of freedom in projects, not a lot of leadership. I like it that way, but for some people this is not enough guidance.
Getting new equipment as headphones and batteries can be hard, basically the older things have to be broken first. But somehow that is sustainable too, right?
This could be improved... Could be more clear
Never any objections.
Very interesting national and international projects, and software training skills are developed.
As mentioned, the projects can be interesting. The field of sustainability assessment is growing and provides many opportunities, and GreenDelta is surely a good and internationally known address here. Further, the colleagues are nice and make it all bearable.
The job could be nice but the management is highly unorganized, micro-managing, socially awkward, with sometimes very unprofessional and threatening behaviour towards some employees. Employees regularly pay for the lack of organization of the management. The fluctuation is a clear indicator for this.
The best option would be if the management would switch from the leader position to sth like a technical director position which might allocate talents better.
There is a friendly atmosphere between colleagues. When the management is in the place, it´s a very anxious atmosphere, though. Team events are very rarely taking place and are usually not supported by the management. You´re asked to give a lot for the company (strict loyalty, working more than agreed) but you´re not compensated for it
The image to the outside world is good I think. Providing an open source software and being active in sustainability assessment are good reasons for this; Also, the management likes to seem a little bit "unconventional" and promotes this attitude
The average workload is always a bit too much but usually okay. The problem is that sometimes you´re asked to do a task really spontaneously and you´re expected to do it quickly even though it´s not feasible without staying late. It doesn´t happen often but I was working on some weekends already (overtime is not paid btw and it´s difficult to take holidays with this overtime, even though not impossible). Homeoffice became easier with Corona but is still not fully respected and sometimes "socially sanctioned"
You rely heavily on the management here: Are you provided time to self-teach things/ dive into new topics? External trainings are not supported
The salary is not high but okay - but development stagnates; The management likes to use bonus payments but you rely to some extent to the capriciousness of the management
The company is obviously working in sustainability assessment. The own behavior is not exceptional but okay
All colleagues are very nice but there is not really a team spirit as usually you´re working on your own
The management seems friendly and can be friendly indeed; but it can also be very mean and manipulative towards employees. Employees often have to pay for the lack of organisation and leadership
Many employees have to literally build up their own desk at their first day in the office; IT equipment is not always up-to-date, you literally need to justify everything you´d like to have (as headphones); the rooms usually have space for 5 people which is fine
Among colleagues very trustful and nice. Communication with management is really bad (except for job interviews and meetings with most clients). Two small examples: Employees´ exits are not commented; when starting a task, not all needed information available is provided; Some employees can deal well with that, though.
I have never observed anything other than equality
As long as you´re allowed to work in the projects you like (which is not the case for everyone), the projects are very interesting. Further, you get responsibility from the beginning which is a unique opportunity especially for young employees
extremely knowledgeable management and colleagues, generally a high level of skill and expert knowledge among colleagues
CEO is forgetful
somewhat chaotic communication style by the management, which works perfectly fine for me but can deter people who are uncomfortable with uncertainty and independence. you should be able to organise yourself, so probably not the right job for you if you dont like thinking for yourself
friendly team spirit, casual start-up atmosphere (besides not being a start-up)
global player in the field of LCA
cannot complain
learning on the job, depending on your personal level of ambition
focused but a lot of laughter
gives you a lot of freedom to work independently. you should be comfortable with thinking for yourself
- roomy and well-lit offices in a good neighborhood
- everything gets cleaned by a professional cleaning service every week
works well for me, but you should be comfortable with a certain degree of uncertainty
im a white male so i am obviously fine, but i have not observed anything other than equality
definitely enhancing my skills and bringing me forward in my career
- interesting topics and projects
- good salary
- totally dirty rooms and toiletts, no hygiene
- no management communation skills at all
- high staff fluctuation
- no chance to learn up-to-date methods or skills
- no team events, no employee branding
- no structure or procedures in anything
- not everyone is allowed to do home-office