8 Bewertungen von Bewerbern
8 Bewerber haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 2,6 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
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Jetzt Profil vervollständigen8 Bewerber haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 2,6 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
I asked a few questions in advance by e-mail, which were not answered. With the answers to my questions, I could have prepared myself better for the interview.
I took a lot of time for the whole application process, the digital and on-site interviews and for the presentation to be prepared. My time, on the other hand, is not respected. You can tell by the fact that the appointment is cancelled 5 hours before the presentation date, for example. Or the fact that you present your presentation twice and then receive a cancellation without any feedback. The cancellation is simply a standard cancellation and you are even addressed by the wrong name.
I asked several times for my standard cancellation. The email had the wrong contact name and read as if I was in the initial process of my application. However, I had already been through several interviews. I presented my portfolio, my case study and myself. I received consistently positive feedback in the digital and on-site interviews. I was given the impression that I was only getting to know the team I was supposed to lead. To then receive a standard email rejection with a false name after weeks of the application process is simply cheeky. And then not to get back to me even after I asked on LinkedIn and by email. This is no way to deal with applicants.
Transparenz, sich besser über die eigene Stellenanzeige informieren und sich Zeit für das Gespräch nehmen, sich an gegebene Worte halten.
Vor dem Gespräch kam per Mail eine Erklärung des Prozesses, die im Gespräch nicht eingehalten wurde, der Recruiter wusste fast nichts über die Stelle, was er auch zugegeben hat mit den Worten "Actually we're still trying to figure out what this role is" - statt wie vorher festgelegt Gymondo korrekt vorzustellen und mir alle nötigen Infos über die Stelle zu nennen, wurde ich sofort nach wenigen Sekunden gefragt, über mich zu erzählen, danach wurden nur Verständnisfragen über mich gestellt und im Anschluss, nachdem ich nichts von ihm erfuhr nur: "Do you have questions for me?" - really? Natürlich habe ich tausende Fragen offen wenn von seiner Seite nichts gesagt wurde, also musste ich alles aus ihm rausquetschen worauf es meist nur Antworten wie "i'm not sure exactly" kamen. Am Ende wurde gesagt: "I will get back to you in a "few" days" - diese "few" days, waren tatsächlich 1-2 Monate, in der ich per Mail eine Absage erhielt, als würde mir diese noch etwas bringen oder ich darauf noch gewartet hätte. Einfach unprofessionell und unangenehm.
I don't think I ever experienced such a bad and unprofessional recruitment process. Everything went well at first, until I was in the final round. First, all of a sudden, they told me that they can only offer me 18% less of my expected salary which I initially had put in my application. This is something that they should have screened for at the very beginning. I still agreed and kept on with the process since I liked the company. Then, after several hours of interviews and a case, I get a call from the HR manager that they want to offer me a job and we agreed on the phone on the salary and start date. He then told me he would send me the contract early in the morning the next day and asked me whether I can sign it within 1 (!!!) hour so that he can announce it in the all hands meeting. The next morning, I didn't receive any contract at all and I asked when I would get it. After several attempts to contact the HR Manager, he calls me back after 4 days and tells me that the company has decided not to fill the CRM Manager role anymore and they took back their offer. I had already declined offers from other companies in the meantime and canceled all my other recruitment processes. This was such a bad experience, and I never experienced a company treat people in such an unprofessional way. I now have to start from zero again with my job search, with so many hours gone to waste and incurred financial damage as I could have started with another company.
1. Be honest
2. respect candidates and their time
3. give feedback on time
I think the job sounded perfect and everyone I met seemed great but they seemed to have wasted both mine and their own time - I had 2 interviews, a case study, an interview with the hiring manager on site, then 8 interviews in a day on site with different people from different teams. After 2 weeks they came back to me saying they were looking for a different profile - I asked for more specific feedback, but they never got back to me and never let me know. Since then the job description hasn't changed and they still advertise it, although I felt like I fit the description/profile very well. I think they could have said "different profile" after the first interview with the hiring manager and saved us all a lot of time and effort. The whole thing made me think they are very disorganised and don't really know what they are doing or who they looking for.
Shorten the length of your interviews and ask less cliche questions ("what is your biggest regret, how would your friends describe you"). I asked one of the interviewees the same question (the last) and she responded she had to think about it as it's a tricky one. Also, please give more specific feedback. I had 4 conversations with different people, the last part lasted 3 hours and a couple of days later I was told that they were looking for somone more technical. I asked what it meant (any specification whatsoever) and the person on the phone couldn't explain. Funny enough, I can't recall being asked any particular technical questions during all interviews.
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