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Very good experience, but unfortunately too short

Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat bis 2024 für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

A professional, well-coordinated, organized, cheerful company with good people who care about their staff.
The head of HR and the HR manager are fantastic, kind, proactive, friendly, and take care of all the details.
In my 25 years working, this is the first time my head of human resources has met with me every two weeks just to cross-check how I am, how I feel, if I am happy and if I need anything. Very human.
We had a lovely Christmas party. Homemade food was served in the office in Germany by a wonderful cook. Thank you for all the presents. I still wear my T-shirts with pride.
I was very happy and fulfilled working for Hahn. I only regret being fired, which was a huge disappointment and shock.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

I don't know what, but something was wrong if they had problems that led to the hard decision of firing more than 16 people at once, not for their performance.


In a position like mine, my ex-boss could have been honest and explained certain problems to me so that I could have started trying to help earlier, especially when he completely changed my tasks twice.
My ex-boss should improve his soft skills, especially his communication skills. Although online communication was fantastic, the last time I saw him in person, I spent four days working next to him, and he never told me that he regretted my dismissal. When we said goodbye, he didn't say anything special, like if we would see each other the next day. That hurt me.
Suggestion: You should put more effort into finding clients than followers and more effort into product and service branding than employer branding.


There is great camaraderie and a good atmosphere. We enjoyed spending some time together in person and online.


Communication was fantastic when things were going well. A well-written summary of the projects, progress, and achievements kept us informed every month.
But when things were not going well, we didn't suspect it; we didn't get the monthly summary anymore, and problems were not communicated to me, leaving me with no clue of why my tasks were changed twice.


My colleagues were very honest and authentic. You could talk about everything and contribute with ideas or suggestions for improvement. We also help each other very much and gladly.


Remote work allowed me to work respecting my biological clock and taking breaks for personal errands.
They never controlled, or micro-managed me but instead trusted I was doing my job, which was also demonstrated by the progress in my work informed in our be-weekly meeting.


The tasks, objectives, and deadlines were clear and realistic for my abilities and working hours, as well as according to my interests.
I had biweekly meetings with my superiors to report on my progress, make decisions, and adjust priorities. This was a very good way to work coordinated and efficiently.

Interessante Aufgaben

My assignments were very interesting, and they allowed me to practice and develop my skills and experience. I felt very motivated and making a contribution. I felt they trusted in my abilities, experience and potential.


I never felt treated differently for being a woman, for not having German as my mother tongue, or for being 10-20 years older than many of my colleagues.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Not applicable in my case.


The Vienna office was very comfortable and well-located.
The desk, chair, computer, headphones, keyboard, mouse, and camera sent to my home had the highest quality.


Very grateful for the annual transportation ticket and vouchers for lunch.


The payment was always on time and without mistakes.


The image was very good and coincided with the employees' opinions until there was a massive layoff, and morale went down.
The considerable decrease in the number of workers is not reflected in the current image given on social media, which talks about growing, hiring, onboarding, and professional careers after internships.


I am very grateful that the company provided me with a private tutor to improve my German.
No other courses were offered to me (LinkedIn, Coursera, etc.)
I left a job to join Hahn, among other reasons, because I was told I would have stability and career development opportunities.
The future I was shown was that after establishing subsidiaries in other countries, I would continue to support these new employees in areas such as office management, human resources, operations, etc., but after 16 months, I was fired.



HR Team, Head of Human Resources
HR TeamHead of Human Resources

My Dear,

thank you so much for this detailed review. It is not a matter of course that you take so much time to reflect so intensively on your time with us. We will of course discuss your suggestions and experiences internally in order to become even better. We wish you all the best and thank you for your time with us.

Best regards
Your HR Team
