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Exceptionally fast hiring process

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Forschung / Entwicklung gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The engineering portion of the hiring process - from the initial steps to the interview and final decision - took less than a week. That’s remarkable, and I don’t know anyone else in Germany who moves so quickly.

I’ve just started working here, but each day I learn more about the company and the people, and it keeps getting better and better in my eyes. I hope it continues this way!


It's a remote company, but it probably has the best communication setup I've ever seen. The company puts a lot of effort into this, utilizing different tools, methodologies, and promoting open communication. It's a big achievement!

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Jule Bock
Jule Bock

Hi lovely tech talent :)

Thanks a ton for your review about your hiring journey and your first glimpse inside Heyflow! So so happy everything turned out perfectly – from a fast process to increasing satisfaction the longer you are staying. Yes, our processes are indeed fast: Why waiting if we are already convinced that we want to work with you, right? ;)

I also hope it continues this way: If you happen to observe anything you like the most, or something that throws you off, please always reach out <3 Heyflow depends on your feedback, the culture is only this good because people speak up and shape it themselves. As you said: We promote open communication and we love to hear from you, any time :)

But first, we are now heading to our amazing company offsite to Tuscany in just a few days: I hope you will enjoy this part as well, and we will chat and exchange on how to make this the most epic work place in the world haha!

See you there, again thank you for your review, and we can't wait to continue this journey with you!

