Hotel Top, Management Flop. Do not apply here!
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Exploitation on highest level, treating people as numbers.
Hopefully someone will start an Union/Betriebsrat that would protect workers rights and stop Management from exploiting people. Hilton is a great Brand but this one unfortunately has poor management.
Nice and kind workers in each department. Nice guests who bring fun and joy working in relatively new and modern Hotel.
Management on the other hand is well known now in Frankfurt for their unfair and unprofessional behavior.
Last 3 „Feedbacks“ must be an intentional mistake cause everything that was written there is just opposite in reality. Hotel has the most unprofessional management, feeling no concern about the workers rights.
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
Unfortunately there are not too many older colleges cause people’s Contracts after one or two Years are not being renewed.