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A terrible but helpful experience While I would not want to repeat the experience, it was a useful eye opener

Nicht empfohlen
Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr bei Huawei Technologies Duesseldorf GmbH in Düsseldorf gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

It paid my salary on time

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

For the first time in my life, I felt discriminated against in my place of work.
- treats employees differently based on their nationality
- no training or onboarding
- lack of professionalism
-no consideration for different opinions or views
- no home office
- the constant denigration of European values. In training for Chinese nationals, it was the norm to constantly denigrate and vilify the US, Europe, and local employees, usually defined as less capable, less committed or professional on no factual basis.

As mentioned above - while it was the worst work experience I had, I am actually glad I did it as it opened my eyes not only about the company but also about a side of China I did not get to experience before.


The employer should try to really create an accepting and genuinely international culture.

Please remember this is Huawei of Europe not Europe of Huawei.


No genuine team spirit - very strong separation between local and Chinese employees. Even between the Chinese, there is a divide between those hired locally and those sent from China.


A lot of propaganda, a lot of smoke - no honest info if you are not part of a privileged group of people - mainly Chinese nationals


Non-existent - the expectation is that you live in the office, even if you are just sitting there and not really doing much.


Poor - only chasing some obscure matrix and guidelines received from Mainland China.

Interessante Aufgaben

From time to time, you could find something interesting, but in my experience, you rarely manage to implement anything.


The office is nice - you have to ask to get a monitor. Minimum distance for fire emergency is often not respected


pay is ok - but nothing so special - definitely not worth the amount of bureaucracy that you have to deal with


Non-transparent, not trustworthy


there is none of that here

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