14 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
14 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,8 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
14 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil vervollständigen14 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,8 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
14 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
The right mix of casual and professional. Company retreats are incredible
Lots of flexibility while remote. Especially helpful for parents.
Besides great encouragement, professional growth is supported with budget for workshops and whatever you need.
You'll always have someone you can trust. concerns or criticism are taken seriously
Setting people up for success and independent decision making instead of micromanaging. Great.
Streamlined communication channels and commitment to transparency
Can't complain
The openness to improvement suggestions and the trust that we drink our coffee and work, instead of just drinking coffee and chilling
Better alignment with inflation, especially since families are going through tough times right now.
It's your home you work from
IMG.LY? How the heck is that... oh wait, we actually have some pretty big brands as customers. So yeah, we're doing just fine!
Working from home with flexible working hours
Opportunities are there if you’re ready to grab them and we’re all about learning, whether it’s upskilling for your career or finally mastering your coffee machine!
Like everywhere, it could always be better, especially if it kept up with inflation. But hey, at least we’re rich in team spirit and coffee.
The power consumption of the SDK could be more environmentally friendly.
Good collegial and friendly colleague spirit, everyone very helpful
Age is just a number here. Whether you're 25 or 65, as long as you bring good ideas and a sense of humor, you're part of the team. Plus, older colleagues are often the secret keepers of the best coffee hacks!
Often appropriate, but if that is not the case, you will be heard
It's your home, it's your choice.
It is usually good, clear communication
In our company, it doesn’t matter if you’re young, old, male, female, or anything else, we’re colorblind, ageless, and gender-blind. The only thing that matters is that the coffee tastes good!
It's an incredibly impressive photo and video editor SDK. It's fascinating by definition.
It’s an environment where you feel appreciated and motivated to give your best every day.
The company is highly respected for its innovation and inclusivity.
They truly respect personal time and encourage flexibility, which is rare and so appreciated.
Ample opportunities for professional growth and skill development.
Fair compensation with excellent perks and growth support.
The company values sustainability and actively supports social initiatives.
The team is always supportive and willing to help each other succeed.
Experience is valued, and older colleagues are respected and supported.
The leadership listens, supports, and empowers—there’s a real focus on growth and trust.
Excellent conditions with great benefits and focus on employee well-being.
Everyone is approachable, and ideas are always welcome. Communication feels honest and open.
The company embraces everyone’s uniqueness and ensures fair treatment for all.
The tasks are challenging yet rewarding, and you feel like you’re making an impact every day.
I'm thrilled with img.ly's Working-From-Home-First culture that allows me to have an excellent work-life balance. I appreciate the flexibility that enables me to work from home, saving me time and reducing stress.
My colleagues are all fantastic, and despite the Home-Office-First policy, we work together seamlessly.
I'm also impressed by the number and size of customers that img.ly has, which demonstrates the company's success. I'm proud to be a part of it.
I enjoy working on the creative editing SDK that img.ly develops because it's interesting, challenging, and used by a wide range of customers. It's fulfilling to work on a product that makes a real difference.
What I appreciate the most is that img.ly is a very social company that caters to the needs of individual employees. I feel like my opinion is heard, and the company genuinely cares about my satisfaction at work.
Overall, I believe that img.ly is an excellent employer, and I feel happy and valued to be a part of it. I would recommend it to anyone.
A great balance between casual, memes, and professionalism. People's well-being is put first, and I never witnessed anything condescending or harsh whatsoever. It's the opposite. There's a high level of transparency of what is going on in the company on all levels.
Home-Office/Remote Office is just the best. There's a time in a day, where it is desirable for you to be online (e.g. in Slack, Meetings); however, nobody tells you when to start your day. If you want to attend an art class at 2pm, you simply can. Family-Friendly as well. Also, "if you're sick, you're sick": you're never frowned upon, if you are unwell. I've also been encouraged to take days off and not forget about my vacations. It's seen as important to make sure you're feeling well and fresh.
You get supported in case you want to attend a workshop etc. Also, team leads always notice talents in you that you weren't fully using yet and help you make the most of it. That's what made my job fun.
People don't shy away from reaching out to you to applaud you for your work. I have never experienced that before. You can be a dork, a diva, quiet, loud, analytical, a creative - you can be you, and get supported. It's just a great dynamic. Also, there's always team events, that I enjoy taking part in. I hang with colleagues who live nearby for a drink whenever possible. People don't shy away from giving you feedback, either.
You can reach out and receive proper feedback on what you do, or any insight you need.
It's a remote company, so communication had to simply work well, which it does. Tools for communication are easy and efficient.
While there are expectations of your work to be valuable for company, you have to make sure that your tasks are interesting yourself. You're in full ownership of what you do.
kurzfristige ereignisse können schnell und problemlos gelöst werden
mangelnde führungskompetenz in der chefetage
keine verbesserungsvorschläge für meinen arbeitgeber
Gut finde ich an img.ly als Arbeitgeber den kollegialen und freundschaftlichen Zusammenhalt des Teams, die Aktivitäten zum Teambuildung und das breite Angebot von Freizeitaktivitäten innerhalb des Teams und der Firma. Hierdurch wurde ein großartiges Arbeitsklima geschaffen, welches mir persönlich eine große Freude bereitet hat.
Großartige Arbeitsatmosphäre! Hier herrscht die perfekte Mischung aus Effizienz und Spaß am Arbeitsplatz.
Work-Life-Balance ist da. Home office ist möglich, Kinderkrankheitstage für die Eltern gibt es auch, welche es den Eltern ermöglicht von zuhause aus zu Arbeiten und sich um das kranke Kind zu kümmern.
Der Kollegenzusammenhalt ist super. Gerne trifft man sich auch nach der Arbeit auf ein Bier, um zu Feiern oder auch um an selbstorganisierten Workshops zu allen Themen die spannend sein können teilzunehmen.
Das Vorgesetztenverhalten bewegt sich in einer perfekten balance aus Hierarchie und kollegialer Freundschaft. Die von Vorgesetzten angepeilten Ziele sind realistisch und Entscheidungen werden nachvollziehbar getroffen. Mitarbeiter werden von den Vorgesetzten in Prozesse eingebunden.
Jeden Montag findet ein großes Teammeeting mit allen Kollegen statt, um sich mit den anderen Abteilungen auszutauschen und auf den aktuellen Stand der Arbeit gebracht zu werden.
Die Aufgaben bei img.ly für einen Sales Representative sind interessant. Allerdings kommt es hier auch auf die Eigeninitiative an, da Mikromanagement ungern angewandt wird, liegt es am Mitarbeiter sich an der Gestaltung der Aufgaben zu beteiligen. Vorgesetzte lassen den Mitarbeitern für die Findung von relevanten Aufgaben Freiraum und ermutigen zur selbstständigen Arbeit. Hierdurch hat man häufig die Möglichkeit sich die Aufgaben interessant zu gestalten.
Sehr nette Kollegen - professionell, aber trotzdem locker
Sehr guter Zusammenhalt
Bildverarbeitung auf hohem Niveau, Machine-Learning-Forschung, modere Technologien - für IT-ler eine super Umgebung
Freundliche, respekt- und liebevolle Arbeitsatmosphäre.
Guter und familiärer Zusammenhalt.
Man hat einen sehr großen Einfluss auf die eigenen Aufgaben. Hier heißt es Eigeninitiative zeigen und den Willen haben, etwas verändern zu wollen. Wer Ideen hat und pro-aktiv etwas umsetzen möchte, ist bei img.ly genau richtig.
So verdient kununu Geld.