Family friendly and respective of the individual
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Great tech player, working on the latest tech-stack. Possibiltiy to take over responsibility and can create impact.
New fancy loft office, unfortunately we can't use it now due to Corona
Very transparent specifically during Covid, with clear guidance through OKRs, everybody knows where we stand against our targets and how each team is able to contribute.
Specifically during Covid a lot of trust and support from the executives.
Specifically for young parents flexibility was possible through this difficult time.
They developed a lot over the last years I have to say, it has become quite a people-centric company.
Interessante Aufgaben
Depending a bit on the team you are working in, some tasks can be pretty repetitive but the managers try to spice it up.
Many green initiatives already since years. Strong focus on sustainability also as a Tech company.
Competitive Salaries, just recently introduced a "Betriebliche Altersvorsorge" where you can choose all kinds of ETFs.
Great image internally and in the scene, They could do more external PR about the company.
Depending a bit on your manager and the team. New more institutionalized development programs are currently being rolled out. Let's see.