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Super nice culture, a place to learn a lot and have an impact with what you do.

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Personal / Aus- und Weiterbildung bei Jodel gearbeitet.


Very good, management always has an open door, good work is seen and also celebrated on company wide-level. Everybody is valued and treated the same, from intern, working student to lead, c-level through all departments.

There is quarterly feedbacks with your own lead and a bigger one once a year. What I like is that it never feels like "you did a good/bad job". Its always like what went nice, what didnt work, what can we improve or should we try sth. else. Open to failure and learning from failures is practiced. Def. good.


There is monthly business updates where you receive all informations on the diff. departments. So you always know whats going on even if its not going well. In my opinion very transparent.

Since its monthly sometimes decisions that are made on the way, dont reach everybody and its sometimes hard to understand the reasoning. But you always know where to get the info from if you want it.


Best thing about Jodel and it goes beyond department structures. Super good.


I cant complain. I do my work, have time for children, hobbies and friends. Vacation has never been an issue and remote work is company culture in general. Even workation and sabbatical is possible. Very modern standards and processes.

There is even mental health coachings part of the benefits. Open to use for employees.


I had different managers, all of them being super nice on a personal level, in communication and always trying to progress my career aswell.

Interessante Aufgaben

Besides my job it is even possible to work on side projects or even initiate projects yourself. Of course only if its reasonable. But this makes work in general very interesting.


Yes, totally.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Dont really have people in the age group of 45-60 but we have really young colleagues, students, moms and dads and more. Age never was an issue here.


For Start Up environment already very advanced. Everybody is provided with hardware, you can even chose between windows or apple. You have access to more than just notebook.

Office was re-designed, a lot of windows and glass, so light is always there. I like it. Remote work is possible.


Was a paperless office until the government decided to change that by a new national law. Its still reduced to the minimum needed. There is also an environmental friendly water dispenser. Garbage is divided reasonable.
Hardware is not being thrown away, its cleaned, repaired and either sold or if good re-used.


Cant complain. For my job its perfectly aligning with market standards and can even compete with corporate world. Its also above of what collective agreements (Tarifvertrag) of other companies can offer.

On top there is company funded pension, educational budget...


Image was better in early stages, but right now I believe its actually not as good as it deserves. So a lot of things improved over the last 2 years. Changes in management turned out good in my opinion. People talk good in general about the company but of course you will always have the negative comments every now and than.


You can push for developing your career but sometimes the outlook is limited and you cant really do much about it as e.g. for the wish to lead a team the company is not big enough to make this happen for everybody. Fair enough but it limits career development at some point.

What I like is educational budget that you can use, you can jump into new projects, side projects and it is pretty normal to use working hours to read or educate yourself on job relevant topics.



P&O Team
P&O Team

Hi dear colleague,

thanks for your kind words and also the contructive feedback. As you mentioned, some things are related to us being at the stage we are right now. We take every feedback very serious and will adress it internally. Feel free to stop by in case you want to talk more detailed about your observations. :) We want to engage anybody to speak up so we can improve our way of working.

Best regards,
Your P&O Team
