If the German technology sector is the army, then JOIN are like the special forces!
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Is Join the right company for you? As so often in life, the answer is: it depends. I know from my own experience how important / difficult the search for an employer can be. Finding the perfect employer for yourself is the classic search for the needle in the haystack.
Join is for you if:
- You are looking for a really strong team. From executives / founders to the department heads and the level below, the company is incredibly well staffed. I guess since their business lies in recruiting, they really know what they are doing.
- You really want to revolutionize a market or an industry. Join is actually doing it.
- You want to take responsibility for the result or sales from day 1. I was there as a summer intern for three months and am still amazed at the responsibility that was handed over to me from day one.
To conclude, one can say: If the German tech industry is the army, then JOIN Solutions AG is something like the Special Forces.
Sehr positiv und konstruktiv.
Sehr direkt und ehrlich.
Sehr nette und überaus kompetente Kollegen.
Interessante Aufgaben
Aufgaben bei Join waren der Hammer. Auch als Praktikant habe ich von Tag 1 massiv Verantwortung gehabt.