4 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
4 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,0 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
3 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil einrichten4 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,0 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
3 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
ER İST FAİR, Hilfsbereit,
Jederzeit für seine Mitarbeiter da
Da man in der Regel in Projekten bei anderen Firmen im Einsatz ist, ist der Kontakt zu den eigenen Kollegen eher selten, aber gut.
Hängt natürlich vom Einsatzort ab
Wenn es mal nicht so passt, ist auch ein Wechsel in ein anderes Projekt kein Problem.
Die Zusammenarbeit mit Kollegen, die ebenfalls als Leiharbeitskräfte in der gleichen Firma im gleichen Projekt eingesetzt wurden, war immer sehr gut.
Die Erfahrungen älterer Arbeitnehmer werden hoch geschätzt. Ich selbst bin mit Mitte 50 eingestellt worden, was in der Branche nicht selbstverständlich ist.
Der Vorgesetzte hat immer ein offenes Ohr für die Probleme der Mitarbeiter und versucht nach Möglichkeit, deren Wünsche zu berücksichtigen.
Der Umfang der Aufgaben ist vom Leiharbeitgeber abhängig. Meine bisherigen Aufgaben waren aber immer interessant und ich hatte meistens relativ große Freiheiten bei der eigenen Planung und Ausführung.
They are generally well-mannered and available to talk, alas, without any concrete results. Salary is competitive.
No future prospects, no career plans, no trainings. Employees are given work not according to what they want, but according to what's there in the customer pipeline. Even when there are options, greed takes over and employee satisfaction takes the backseat.
Consider what employees want when demands are just. Don't always let the greed conquer your decisions. Employees are human beings, treat them like that.
Really bad considering the workplace their customers give to their consultants. No proper seating arrangement and pretty disrespectful behavior. Older people try to bully the younger lot. The average age in the company might be over 50!
Older people are there because they're waiting to retire. Freelancers are there because they're working on simultaneous projects from other companies and charging for full time. Nobody is happy with the work or the customers, but they know that the management doesn't care about anything else but money!
It's fine since you never have a matching and interesting project, especially after first few months. The customers they have are mostly stagnant corporate companies with maintenance work at best. It affects your CV badly and your balance goes down the drain before you even realize.
This is the biggest red signal. There's no growth and there's no training. You might actually come out of the job with your CV looking much worse than it previously looked and you will be better off taking any other job which might pay even 20-30% lesser than this one. BEWARE, otherwise you'll have to blame yourself later!
Salary is fine, but it is negatively balanced by no training and no possibility of further growth in the company or in your know-how. Better to join a company where you have a clear career growth path laid out along with accompanied trainings and discussions.
Older lot prints each and every email in today's times! Ridiculous!
There is none! There is no training and the "colleagues" aren't really there to help.
Really bad. All the older people apart from one or two are totally unhelpful. They are also information hoarders, never helping newbies, and suffer from the mere fear of getting obsolete. Typical, but owners don't care and don't want their younger lot to be trained since it costs money.
There are none! The owners visit from time to time, but they are mainly interested in acquiring more projects and not in what employees want.
The workplace provided by the customers is really ancient and lacks even basic facilities like proper toilets and a good seating place. You have to sometimes fight for a place, since neither the customer nor the owners care, where the consultants are sitting. Too many people are sitting in such small rooms, that it affects the health after certain time, especially in winters, when one can't even open windows or the heating is too strong!
They are available to talk, but in the end there's no solution and one must do what the customer wants, no matter how unreasonable and how bad the working conditions might become. They act like greedy machines rather than human beings.
They are only interested in older people working in the company, especially if these people are "Bavarian"!
This doesn't deserve any stars, but unfortunately there is no option to give none! The tasks at their ever stagnant customers are not only boring, they will also destroy your future if you work too long with their customer specific stone age tools and processes!