10 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
10 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,7 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
9 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil vervollständigen10 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,7 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
9 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
This is the first time I work for a company where I genuinely love the overall atmosphere. The team is amazing, I love the high level of energy and inclusiveness and it feels like everyone completely trusts each other.
It is a fast paced environment and it does vary, depending on how many projects or tasks there currently are. But overall its very transparent and you will always get support if you ask for it
Very big focus on that, everyone is very sustainable in their own right and also during projects we put a lot of emphasis on it
Especially within a small sized team, trusting each other and sticking together is incredibly important in my opinion. And the people at Kineo do exactly that.
At Kineo we have no hierarchies per se
We have 3 founders but since there are no hierarchies we all come together to make decisions, its very inclusive and we reflect upon joined decisions regularly
If someone has an issue with a decision made my a group of people it is very much within your own right to challenge it anytime
Incredibly flexible! Whether you like to go for a swim in the morning, you have a doctors appointment or you are not in Berlin because you like to spend a workation someplace else, it is all possible and we all do it regularly.
Still we have our central office in kreuzberg where everyone works at regularly because the office is really nice and its jsut fun working along with these amazing people
Very transparent across the team, there are regular events and safe spaces to share topics you might not feel comfortable with sharing otherwise and I have never had the feeling that there are topics I should or would not dare to talk about.
Tasks are set depending on projects of course but it is up to each and everyone to dive into topics they find interesting themselves as well
For example if you would like to work with Medical companies it is up to you to approach those companies and to dive into it
There were various situations and feedback where Kineo lacked reaction, attention and review in my opinion. I felt that some topics were talked down in a personal conversation. Promises of resolving past situations together haven't been kept. Overall, you cannot attempt to solve everything with positivity.
The general work atmosphere was not bad per se. From colleague to colleague, it would get all stars. There were unspoken situations and topics as well as talk behind backs from both sites, employer about employee and vice versa, which polluted the atmosphere over time. Multiple people stopped raising difficult topics, caused by the reaction (or no reaction) of the employer.
See working atmosphere
There were core business hours, and people could work flexible from home and commute to work over lunch as they pleased. Doctor's appointment and longer lunch breaks, to e.g. go for a swim, were also fine. I personally didn't like that it was enforced to attend a week's closing meeting on Friday till 5PM. I also feel that there could've been more attention on if someone was overworked or didn't have a vacation in quite a while. As a consultant company, there is also some traveling, depending on the position.
Company travels were mainly done by public transport, occasionally by car if it was necessary. Hardware was originally partially second-hand and now only newly bought. (Old hardware was sold to second hand)
There was general interest on environmental sustainability, but it is not the focus of the company. It was paid for the Deutschlandticket.
When looking at potential customers, there were individual views and criteria, although generally the company has a somewhat concrete plan on who to work with.
If you reach a certain level, it was expected to get even more involved with the company development. It was not possible to mainly stay on a technical focus, while being interested in the company's wellbeing.
Educational leave was not advertised. You could bring up interesting conventions and certificate and have them paid for if they were of interest for your development and the company.
The connection and interactions with colleagues is one of the few things that I still liked about the job. Generally, they were looking out for each other and had a good time working and supporting each other. Sometimes I would have liked people to stand up for each other more, but in the end that's not the job of an employee
There have been various situations where I don't agree with how superiors have reacted and acted.
Office and hardware was solid. You could have an individual setup, if you took care of it on your own and ensured that you can work with it. The general setup was a bit "self-managed", which is fine or to be expected in a small company.
Weekly company and financial updates in an open format. There have been hiccups about a few to be directly communicated topics.
Payments were usually punctual and had rarely issues. Compared to the industry and other professions, salaries were rather low. It is a self-founded startup with clear salary levels.
Tasks and complexity started to repeat and stay over time. Some projects didn't continue, and a solid amount stayed on a simple level and scope, which doesn't make them very attractive for more senior or professional experienced employees. If there were new and potentially exciting topics, I felt that the founders would usually dive in to them first, without considering others who might be interested.
Kineo is the place to grow and unfold potentials! I have never experienced this kind of support, appreciation and collaborative environment!
I truly love the working environment at Kineo. It is super open and relaxed atmosphere. But at the same time it's a very driven and progress-oriented environment where the people continuously keep an open eye on what can be done to improve. No elbow-mentality and people celebrate each others success genuinely!!
For being a startup still in this early stage the salaries are really really good - in particular if you compare it to other Berlin Start-Ups! I also like that there are no differences in the sales or developer salaries! But of course there are still exist companies, in particular bigger ones, where you probably earn more. Nevertheless, considering the fact that you get pay raises on a regular basis and also that salaries are adjusted for example in times of inflation, the salary at Kineo is top!
Kineo tries as much as it can in order to contribute positively to the environment and society. Our laptops are refurbished ones (but of course still of very high quality), the merchandise such as hoodies or stickers are produced in the most sustainable way possible and our business trips are always done with the train (even though this sometimes means a trip of 9 hours). What I personally like is that it's always the decision the people themselves take and nothing that is somehow a "company rule". The sustainability and social behavior hence comes intrinsically and is supported by everyone of the employees.
I feel hugely supported by my colleagues whenever I have questions or I would like to dig in to a topic more that maybe does not have much to do with my daily work but I would like to understand a bit better. Also there are team events happening on a very regular basis and smaller team-happenings such as lunch cooking sessions or afterwork-beers.
We are a very young team (all of us are in their mid 20's to mid 30's), so I cannot really reflect on that.
We have a flat hierarchy.
We have a beautiful office in the hear of Berlin, in Kreuzberg. We can choose by ourselves when we want to come to the office and when we would like to work from home. Nobody stays at home 100% and there is the wish for the employees to show up regularly in order to not loose touch and maintain the Kineo company culture. Also there are no fixed working hours. Of course there are team meetings that are taken seriously. But if sometimes you feel like you need some fresh air or would like to do a sports session in a longer lunch break it's fully up to you and in how far you can manage your time. Only communication needs to be open and transparent so that people know you are "off" for a longer lunch break or sth.
The communication within the company is very transparent and we update each other on the progress we are making, blockers we have or (small) success stories we experience on a daily basis. Whenever people want to give feedback on what went well and/or what to improve this is being done in the most appreciative and respectful way.
People are treated equally and there is a high desire to continuously reflect and improve on topics such as equality, diversity and inclusion. We have equal pay and transparent salaries.
In general the work is super interesting since Kineo does not have an industry focus and every client is really different and special. Of course, some daily work can become sometimes a bit repetitive (at least in my area) but you have the freedom to also focus on additional topics that motivate or interest you if you like and if you do your time management right.
Bei Kineo stehen die Menschen an erster Stelle! Innerhalb einer modernen Kultur wird jeder Mitarbeiter berücksichtigt, unterstützt und gefördert.
Die Arbeitsatmosphäre ist einfach klasse! Man arbeitet mit tollen Menschen zusammen und es herrscht ein hohes Level an Vertrauen & Fairness.
Kineo steht 100% für eine moderne Kultur und Innovation.
Man kann seine Bürozeiten flexibel planen und jederzeit im Office arbeiten. Urlaub kann ganz unkompliziert geplant werden, es sollte nur nicht mit laufenden Projekten Überschneidungen geben.
Perfekter Arbeitgeber zur Weiterentwicklung von hard- und soft skills.
Jeder hat einen Mentor, der in vertraulichen Gesprächen einem bei der Entwicklung hilft.
Gehälter sind transparent und unterteilt in einem Level-System.
Das Bewusstsein für Umwelt, Nachhaltigkeit und Soziales ist sehr hoch.
Dies wird auch in der Wahl der Kunden berücksichtigt.
Der Zusammenhalt im Team ist großartig! Insgesamt ist das Verhältnis im Team sehr freundschaftlich. Häufig bleiben wir noch nach der Arbeit zusammen im Büro für ein gemeinsames Getränk.
Das Team ist sehr jung, aber ältere Kollegen würden absolut gleich behandelt werden.
Bei Kineo sind die Hierarchien flach. Die Gründer sind komplett im Team integriert und Entscheidungen werden gemeinsam diskutiert und abgestimmt.
Das Office von Kineo bietet die perfekten Arbeitsmöglichkeiten. Perfekte Lage/Anbindung in Berlin Kreuzberg, genug Raum, kostenlose Getränke und Snacks! Außerdem wird jeder Mitarbeiter wird mit dem notwendigen Material (Mac/Windows Laptop, Bildschirm, etc.) ausgestattet. Wenn man etwas zusätzlich braucht wird es sofort besorgt.
Die Feedback Kultur ermöglicht eine sehr offene und ehrliche Kommunikation. Zudem bieten tägliche Meetings die Möglichkeit sich gegenseitig ein Update zu geben und gegenseitig Hilfe anzubieten.
Kineo hat eine sehr moderne Kultur in der Gleichberechtigung gelebt wird.
Projekte sind sehr abwechslungsreich, denn die Kunden kommen aus verschiedenen Branchen und die KI Anwendungsfälle variieren ständig.
In my first few months, Kineo has convinced me that the culture we are driving is the right way to keep a growing, transparent and professional structure. I love the involvement and energy everyone is bringing in every day and how things are handled here.
Never have I experienced such a welcoming and warm environment in the last 7 years of working.
Loose and relaxed atmosphere. Meetings are taken seriously and people are participating with a lot of energy by themselves! The company is driven by a personal and regular feedback culture. Everyone is able to bring up topics and express their opinion.
Kineo is always trying to connect with their customers and keep a good relationship as well as trying to make the best of their employees.
Work times can be planned mostly flexible as well as remote working or in the office. Vacations have to be planned a bit beforehand, but that's only due to organization and project planning reasons.
With the high feedback culture comes the goal of self-improvement. Everybody has their own goals and is able to drive them in different aspects while receiving support from their mentor and other colleagues.
If you need something to grow, you're able to communicate that openly.
I really love the transparent cashflow and levels that are applied to the employees. Everybody can see the payments and expenses and it makes sense that way.
Different approaches in terms of eco-friendliness and project choice are applied and can be discussed internally.
You can approach colleagues openly with questions and other topics. Everybody is willing and open to help. The company is hosting regular team events and workshops to improve the work situation and talk openly about the culture. Colleagues also have a strong private bond during work as well as outside of work.
No elderly colleagues yet, but I'm 100% sure they would be treaded equally.
Flat hierarchy. We openly discuss the goals and approaches of the company.
Modern technologies and hardware as well as a nice open office.
Everyone has the possibility to get updated about everything and updates are communicated proactively. The transparency is pretty high by default, and you can just ask what the current state is.
Different customers bring different interesting projects (most of the time). Everybody is encouraged to suggest new topics, technologies and try something out.
They really care and take personal growth very serious. Happy growing people = successful projects and clients
So many lovely people in the team - it's just nice to spend time (outside of work as well) with everyone.
You def. need some drive and targets yourself. Likely people won't tell you what to do on a given Monday morning.
Team is pretty young right now...
Sometimes the decentralized org can be hectic, chaotic. It takes some getting used to, but when it clicks it all makes sense.
- Regelmäßiges 360° feedback mit dem ganzen Team
- Persönliches Development
- Pair Programming
- So eine tolle Kultur!
Super individuell auf jeden zugeschnitten durch eine sehr enge Zusammenarbeit mit dem persönlichen Mentor
Kineo legt sehr viel Wert auf die Projektauswahl und Nachhaltigkeit ist für alle Mitarbeiter sehr wichtig.
Gibt es nicht, da es gar keine Hierarchien gibt.
Flexible Arbeitszeiten, Home Office immer möglich
Situatives & konstruktives Feedback wird bei Kineo sehr groß geschrieben.
Die breite Landschaft an AI Use Cases wird geboten - von Classification & Regression bis hinzu NLP und Computer Vision Projekten! Sehr spannend sich als Data Scientist zu entfalten :)
Pretty much everything. The work, the people, the love and most importantly the freedom to do pretty much anything that you like to do.
It's always fun to come to work. The office is great and the atmosphere in general is just so vibrant.
It's a Machine Learning Startup with a huge impact at many different clients. The people are awesome and Kineo is very adaptive to new technologies. I actually love talking about my job here.
Work-Life-Balance is one of the most important things here at Kineo. This is especially emphasized on in meetings with your mentor.
You have the possibility to participate in any further educational training. You can just book it. The idea is: If you grow, Kineo grows as well. Additionally you get a mentor that helps you to keep evolving.
The salary is a little bit less compared to Big companies that have tarif contracts. However, we don't differ between positions and have 5 levels (10 sublevels) with different salaries. You are guided on your path and "level-up" rather quickly so that you earn quiet a lot rather quickly.
Very high. For example we hosted/sponsored a Hackathon for the social good and have teamevents like picking up litter in a park to help the garbage collection service in Berlin.
We are a big group of friends. There are no subgroups and there is no talking behind each others backs.
We currently have no "older" colleagues. But I am 100% certain that they are not treated any differently.
There are no typical hierarchical structures at Kineo. Everyone is "equally" important to the decisions that we take. There are no superiors that dictate what and how to do things
Simply perfect. We got an amazing office right in the heart of Berlin-Kreuzberg. You can choose between a mac - or a linux/windows laptop. Whenever you need something simply make note of it and it is there the next couple of days.
Everything that is more of less important is communicated with the team on a daily basis.
As already described every single person is treated equally. We got a huge variety of genders, religions, food-preferences and other attributes.
Some projects are rather basic. But that is part of the job and that way the more advanced projects are even more fun.
Sustainability, equality and diversity are key driver a nice atmosphere at Kineo.
Kineo pays attention to not do over hours.
Very important in this company. Even the Salaries are transparent and driven by equal pay.
So verdient kununu Geld.