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Okay but getting worse. Can be good if you wanna stay 1-2 years or are good at office politics

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei kleinanzeigen.de GmbH in Kleinmachnow gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Flexible work hours. Ability to train your professional skills outside of work

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

extreme overtime due to bad planing from managers that happens regularly.

Not really thinking about how you structure your teams.

No consequences for bad behavior if you kick down


After many years of instability and change you need to reward you employees financially again.

Stop taking the easy route and make this a fair working culture again


Lots of nice people but also a lot of elbows and intrigue that makes enjoying work difficult.


Management in my department had .l Good communication and is nice. Overall nothing changes about what and has been bad for the past 3 years


Depends on the team. I did not male good experiences here. People are watching out for themselves in a bad way. Little teamwork. Never seen people bathe in the glory themselves without mentioning their team.


Generally good. Very flexible. However when there is a rough patch overtime is extreme little acknowledgement for the overtime done as well. On top of this no compensation neither monetary nor in holidays for overtime.


Some are good. Some just don't really care.

Interessante Aufgaben

You have to work hard to find something interesting to do. It also then gets not necessarily acknowledged.


Almost no females in my area in managing roles

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

We do not have them where I work


They sound like a broken record talking about sustainability. But it is clear they are just lucky that their business model happens to be austainable


Salary is okay bit you can get better for the same work somewhere else. There have been very small to no raises the past 3-4 years and it does not seem to change


In Germany they are known but not that big. If you want a good brand name I would try and see if you can find something else. Depends on where you wanna take your career though. If you want middle sized their brand value is okay


This is the best part here. They are generous about you acquiring new skills outside of your work. Of course it needs to relate to it though.

