14 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
14 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,0 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
6 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil einrichten14 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,0 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
6 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Open workspace and wonderful people to work with. In my time at Lala, I learned more than anywhere else. Everyone has a story to tell and what I loved the most, is the international aspect. Within the team, we speak more than 4 languages. You have to react fast in some aspects, but that's what I especially love here.
Lack of making decisions. If one person is not in the office - the work still needs to go running. Smoother working processes need to be made as Lala Berlin is not as small as it was before.
We need better communication tools. If it is needed to communicate on the phone, please provide a working phone. Work and Life Balance need to be available for Design and Production Team.
I think it would be nice to have more transparency together. As were a small team, it is easy to add people to some meetings. Information flow would be easier.
I believe that designers need to be more involved in fabric fairs, travels, and supplier personal contact. As the designers do the first communication, it should be equal to the production team.
Nobody likes to make decisions - but not making them gives a whole team a delay. Set up deadlines and keep them.
very relaxed. Its an open space in which its free to talk, communicate and also to listen music
Mostly positive.
It's fashion after all. There are tougher times and more easy-going times. Mostly they try not to make over working hours. If your time management is good, the Work-Life-Balance is fine here.
nothing like courses - but team leads give their experience and information. This is where you can grow.
Growing, it goes in the right direction but there is a lot of space for more.
They're going in the right direction, but I would like to optimize the work space for the designer and developers. Starting from Printer and Paper work. Design-wise they are in process.
I can 100% say that everyone in this company knows what they are doing and are open-minded. The teams are very lovely and it's easy to connect. Within the design team are regular updates. They share their design thoughts and you can always sit together, to work together. You feel involved in most of the design decisions, and within your design group, you do the decisions together with the Head of Design. I feel colleagues really are strong together.
It's a mixed team and age doesn't matter at all.
Very positive. The door is always open if you have troubles sharing.
Positive: the company grew - but that also meant we don't have much space in the office. Everyone has their own table, but sketching in an open office space is sometimes hard.
The company made a progress in the years to hold weekly meetings. In times of collections, they are canceled sometimes, but they try hard to find new appointments. If you ask for a talk, you will get one asap. Collection progress is shared within the whole team and also the company.
Some positions require more work than others.
Depends on the design field you are working in. But after all, Lala Berlin gives you the opportunity to try out new designs.
opportunity to grow, teamwork, challening tasks, motivating management
More transparency torwards all employees
Improved greatly over the past years. Everybody supports each other and is working together to achieve the best possible outcome. Teamleads are collaborative and Direct Lead very supportive
Majority is really happy to work for Lala Berlin and talk positively about the company. Many employees started based on recommendations of current or former employees which is always a good sign
company is growing fast and there is always a lot to do. In high times overtime is needed, but going early when there is less to do is no problem. Needed overtime also based on own ambition
If you want to grow and take responsibility you will get the opportunity and the tools to achieve it. Company is growing and there are often new poistions opening up
some Employee Benefits have been implemented, but something to be improved. Salary is good
Some measures have been taken, but it`s challenging in the fashion industry. A huge project has been started though to drive more sustainable change
Teamwork makes the dream work. Friendly, supportive and collaborative
Majority of employees is young, as quite many interns also became full time employees, but there are also older employees which are highly valued.
Open communication and transparent decision making about company goals
A lot changed within the past years and the office changed quite a bit. Whole new IT infrastructure was implemented within the last year
Weekly Meetings are held with key stakeholders and outcome is communicated within the company. Homeoffice policy proves to be more challenging for this piece
approx 80% of the employees are women and in Leading functions the majority are also women. Furthermore, we have over 20 different nationalities and age varies from 20 to 60.
If you want you can always take over more responsibility and grow. Tasks vary and are interesting and challenging
Verbesserungsvorschläge werden angenommen/umgesetzt
Die einzelnen Departments arbeiten gut zusammen, Department übergreifend könnte man die Zusammenarbeit noch stärken
Tolle Kollegen, daher eine gute und entspannte Atmosphäre
Es gibt feste Arbeitszeiten, die man sich zum Teil selber einteilen darf und somit auch flexibler im Alltag ist
Lala bietet definitiv den Mitarbeitern Aufstiegsmöglichkeiten, als auch Weiterbildungen
faires Gehalt
Es wird sich bemüht sukzessiv Nachhaltigkeit zu priorisieren - allerdings ist dies noch in den Kinderschuhen
Was in der eigenen Abteilung passiert wird gut kommuniziert, allerdings wäre es schön manchmal einen besseren Gesamtüberblick zu bekommen
Manche Aufgaben sind sehr spannend und es wird einem Verantwortung übertragen. Andere Aufgaben wiederum sind etwas stupide
All shine and smiles! Depending on department! Either they like your face or they don’t. Don’t have too many ideas of your own
Hot air! Their you play the game or you are out
All shine to the outside
Overtime always!
There is non. Everything thrown away no recycle
If you follow rules and she likes your face maybe
Fashion! Is there ever structure?
Worst ever- no team play
Pay is bad
- hohe Flexibilität
- wenig Vorgaben
- flache Hierarchien
- große finanzielle Unterstützung für Fort- und Weiterbildungen
- kein richtiger Onboarding Prozess - Man muss sich vieles selbst beibringen oder aktiv um Hilfe fragen
- verbesserter Onboarding Prozess
Das Büro war groß und geräumig
Das Verhalten den Praktikanten gegenüber. Es gibt zuständige Personen, die den Müll einsammeln sollten und nicht Studenten, die schon 5 Semester studiert haben.
Die Mitarbeiter mehr schätzen und nicht vieles als selbstverständlich ansehen. Ebenso wäre eine Teambildung gut, da die einzelnen Abteilungen gegeneinander und nicht miteinander arbeiten
Überstunde reihte sich an Überstunde, die man als Praktikant nicht abbauen konnte.
Das Unternehmen und deren Prozesse konnten nicht richtig kennen gelernt werden, da man von Meetings ausgeschlossen wurde.
Null Wertschöpfung und man muss immer Nagst haben entlassen zu werden
Bessere Bezahlung und keine Ausbeutung oder Schickanierung der Mitarbeiter
Nur Überstunden und keiner schätzt es
Sehr geringe Bezahlung
Veraltete Technik. Großraumbüro und nur schlechte Stimmung
So verdient kununu Geld.