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It could be so great ...
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
International staff, great products.
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
See ”Vorgesetztenverhalten“!
The lack of professionalism (team leading, business strategies, etc.) needs to be addressed.
Most of the team members were nice and great, respectively. Spending time with the two managers could be challenging.
The Langbrett franchise enjoys a rather positive image thanks to the owners and initiatives like the "guppy bag". But the Berlin shop is different, for it is no longer owned by the Langbrett-founders. The two Berlin managers just benefit from Langbrett's and Patagonia's good reputation.
Certainly, for the two managers ...
For a shop that sells Patagonia the environmental and social engagement is disappointing.
Naturally, there are no prospects for personal growth, because the shop is so small. On the other hand everything else, that wouldn't be for the benefit of the two managers, is hard to imagine.
Great colleagues, was always fun to work with.
Very non-professional. Basics like respect, honesty or selflessness were rare things. Often double standards were applied.
There is definitely a lot of room for improvement. Unfortunately, possible investments outweigh technical improvements and staff well-being.
Very poor. Especially between the two managers and between the two managers and staff. The two managers are very opposed characters and rarely find a middle ground.
Wages are at a minimum. No bonuses or extras. Staff gets a birthday gift (usually from the store). Christmas dinner.
Interessante Aufgaben
The daily chores just reflect the incapability of the two managers.